
TRANSFORMERS action figures

Ahsoka Tano to Jedi Starfighter (Transformers Crossovers)
Ahsoka Tano pilots a starfighter on a secret mission during the Clone Wars. The young Padawan arrives at a remote planet where a droid factory is building hundreds of new battle droids. Ahsoka changes her starfighter into a powerful mech that demolishes the factory and the droids!

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take her on! In mech mode, your Ahsoka Tano figure has the battle armor to fight any foe—plus lightsabers to take on any foe in hand-to-hand combat. When it’s time to chase down her fleeing opponents, convert her to Jedi Starfighter vehicle mode to “soar” in hot pursuit and launch the lightsabers as projectiles from the “skies”!

Figure comes with two launching projectile lightsaber accessories. 5" scale.

Air Raid (Movie Scout)
• Join the hunt for the most dangerous Decepticon criminals
• Figure changes from robot to vehicle and back again
• Chase down enemies with the ultimate Energon weapon
• For ages 5 yrs. and up
Air Raid and Storm Surge (War of the Waves)
Storm Surge isn't exactly king of the waves, but he's the guy Megatron left in charge, and he'll be rusted if any low-down Autobot that can't even swim is going to beat him. Air Raid has been sent to sink him, but it's all the Autbot flier can do to dodge the frantic flood of firepower spewing at him from the surface of the sea.

Combine black parts to create an ultimate Energon weapon!

Ultimate Energon weapons can be used with other Transformers figures (sold separately).

Airazor (Transmetals)
Features 3 mode conversion. 6" scale.
Anakin Skywalker Jedi Starfighter (Transformers)
Space battle during the Clone Wars is certainly a harrowing experience, especially for the most gifted pilot in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin is given some of the most challenging flight missions of any Jedi and handles them with great ease. Using the power of the Force, Anakin changes into Jedi starfighter mode and takes on an entire squadron of droid tri-fighters by himself! Converts from Jedi Starfighter mode to brave Jedi Knight. Includes 2 launching projectile lightsabers.
Anakin Skywalker to Y-Wing Bomber (Transformers Crossovers)
Anakin flies a Y-wing bomber to capture Cad Bane, the bounty hunter who invaded the Senate building and escaped with important information and hostages. Bane morphs his ship into an enormous mech an blasts Anakin with missiles, but the Jedi is ready: he also converts his Y-wing into a huge mech loaded with firepower!

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take him on! In mech mode, your Anakin Skywalker figure has the battle armor to fight any foe. When it's time to chase down his fleeing opponents, convert him to Y-Wing Bomber vehicle mode to "soar" in hot pursuit and launch his projectile accessory from the "skies"!

Figure comes with projectile accessory.

Arcee (Deluxe Class)
Arcee is a born hunter. Before joining the Autobots, she passed her time tracking turbofoxes on Cybertron with some of the other speedsters, taking great pride in approaching as close as she could to them, quickly and silently, before tagging them with her bow. She's brought those skills with her to Earth, where she passes the days stalking unsuspecting Decepticons until she draws close enough to strike.

6" tall, includes firing projectile.

Arcee (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Arcee (Movie Scout)
A fast, aggressive warrior, ARCEE is one of the most dangerous AUTOBOTS, despite her comparatively small size. She believes without question that the DECEPTICONS must be stopped at all costs. That belief, combined with the combat training she received from IRONHIDE make her a pure warrior, a creature of speed and sudden action, striking the DECEPTICONS whenever she can and fading away into the depths of space.

Change this AUTOBOT figure from robot to vehicle and back again! Chase down enemies with the firing projectile from the ultimate Energon weapon in robot mode!

Armored 4x4 Iron Man (Transformers Crossovers, Iron Man 2)
$23.99 $31.99
In the rugged, untracked mountains, air power is almost useless. Enemies can hide in caves, or beneath dense tree cover. That's why Iron Man developed this tough, converting suit of armor with full off-road capabilities and repulsor-strength horsepower. When he's hunting bad guys in the wildest places on the planet, this is the armor Iron Man brings.

This mighty figure is twice the trouble for any enemy that tries to take him on! In his mech mode, your "iron-clad" Iron Man figure is ready and willing to pummel his opponents with his massive "strength" and his cannon accessory. When it's time to shake up the battle a little, convert him to his rough-riding 4x4 vehicle mode and attach his same cannon accessory to give the bad guys a "high-speed" chase they won't forget!

Figure comes with cannon accessory.

Astrotrain (Classic)
The enemy's weakness is his uncertainty. ASTROTRAIN thrives on panic and fear. Though he is mainly used as a transport vehicle for moving warriors and supplies, he only truly feels at home pounding AUTOBOT warriors into scrap metal. His ionic displacer rifle can scramble AUTOBOT sensors, causing confusion in the enemy ranks, and his huge bulk casts a terrifying shadow across a battlefield. Those AUTOBOTS who survive a fight with ASTROTRAIN often need only hear the echoing boom of his engines in the distance to once again quake in fear. Converts from train to space shuttle to Decepticon Psy-Ops warrior. Features retractable landing gear and ionic displacer rifle that attaches to train.
AT-AT Driver AT-AT (Transformers)
Wherever the Empire’s enemies dig in, this AT-AT is sure to show up, sooner or later. Armored against all but the most powerful weapons, it is nearly invincible in vehicle mode. When the Rebels bring out the really big lasers, though, the driver triggers the special command that turns his walker into a massive assault robot!

Convert this incredible figure into AT-AT vehicle mode with articulated legs! "Fire" a missile from the chin cannon and then with a few twists and turns, change from vehicle to AT-AT Driver robot mode! "Fire" a missile from the awesome assault robot’s weapon and prepare to do battle!

Figure comes with firing cannon, launching missile and mini AT-AT driver pilot figure.

Autobot Camshaft (Movie Deluxe)
Deployed as part of an in-force recon squad to the hotter spots in the galaxy, AUTOBOT CAMSHAFT is used to trouble. Most of the time, BUMBLEBEE is the first to touch down on an alien world, but when OPTIMUS PRIME needs to know the lay of the land under extremely hostile conditions, he sends in AUTOBOT CAMSHAFT and the crew. His adaptive armor, enhanced by the power of the AllSpark, can harden to resist the most brutal environmental conditions. His weapons systems are designed to disable DECEPTICON units quickly and quietly. AUTOBOT CAMSHAFT is the perfect scout to call on when you need someone to hit the ground firing. Convert this detailed robot-to-vehicle figure from robot mode to sporty vehicle mode and back again. An extending torso cannon in robot mode helps you keep the enemies at bay!
Autobot Hound (25th Anniversary)
Within the chassis of DINOBOT beats the spark of a warrior. Victory won with honor is the highest aim to which he has ever aspired. It is an aim that seems more and more remote, the longer he spends under the command of MEGATRON. Duplicity is not the warrior’s way. As the battle on this strange, primitive world rages, it seems to DINOBOT that true honor may come only through the MAXIMAL way.

Get ready for a battle of prehistoric proportions! This awesome robot-to-beast figure converts from MAXIMAL warrior to PREDACON beast with the push of a button! Launch missiles in robot mode or unleash a vicious-looking Velociraptor dinosaur in beast mode. It’s a battle where only the strong survive – and only you decide who will win!

Figure comes with missile accessory.

Autobot Jazz (3.5" Movie Legends)
Change this 3.5" tall AUTOTBOT warrior figure from menacing robot mode to Pontiac Solstice vehicle mode - and back again! This is one cool figure for your collection!
Autobot Jazz (Movie Deluxe)
If it's worth doing it's worth doing with style, thinks AUTOBOT JAZZ. The coolest of the AUTOBOTS, he rolls into battle against the DECEPTICONS with slick moves and a banging sound system. There's no limit to his courage, and nothing he won't do in defense of Earth and the AllSpark. Drawing his blade, he prepares to bring the fight up close and personal with MEGATRON and his evil metal soldiers.

Convert this AUTOBOT figure from menacing robot mode to Pontiac Solstice vehicle mode and back again! It features a telescoping sword and a spoiler that becomes a shield in robot mode! This is one awesome figure for your collection! 6" tall.

Autobot Jazz (Premium Series)
Just before coming to Earth, AUTOBOT JAZZ was badly damaged in a battle over a barren world in deep space. He doesn’t remember a lot of the fight, even before DECEPTICON BRAWL offlined him, but he knows he was hurt really bad. Since that fight, he’s worked with IRONHIDE to upgrade his endoskeleton reinforcements, and he’s kept his vehicle mode absolutely pristine. Something about getting so badly damaged made him care even more than he used to about looking good.

Silver-and-black colored premium series figure has super-detailed deco bring out the detail in this AUTOBOT JAZZ figure’s robot mode. Pose him with the telescoping sword in robot mode. Or turn his shield into a spoiler in Pontiac® Solstice® vehicle mode!

Autobot Jazz (Target Exclusive)
During the long process of being rebuilt by Autobot Ratchet, there was a lot of time to think. Autobot Jazz digs his Earth vehicle form, but the silver paint job got scratched too easily, and dust stuck to it like cyberflies on old oil. Also, it wasn't nearly eye-catching enough. Just because he's supposed to be in disguise doesn't mean he can't be noticed. With help from Bumblebee and Autobot Ratchet, he picked this color scheme as the one most likely to get him appreciateve looks from all the humans he passes on the freeway.

Features exclusive G1 deco, telescoping sword and spoiler that becomes shield.

Autobot Jazz (Target Exclusive, boxed)
Description coming soon.
Autobot Ratchet (3.5" Movie Legends)
Change this 3.5" tall AUTOTBOT warrior figure from menacing robot mode to Hummer H2 vehicle mode - and back again! This is one cool figure for your collection!
Autobot Ratchet (Movie Voyager)
Vanity is not a fault from which RESCUE RATCHET typically suffers. He is more concerned with saving the lives of his fellow AUTOBOTS than with what they think about him. He's never paid much attention to the decorations adorning his vehicle mode. However, after discovering the tendency for human rescue vehicles to be decorated in certain ways, he started paying more attention to his appearance. His new paint job helps him fit in, and allows him to help more humans than ever before. Plus, these new decorations just seem more natural somehow.

AUTOBOT robot-to-vehicle figure features an AUTOMORPH forearm cannon and a hidden axe in robot mode, and a roof rack that converts to a shield or combat stretcher in Hummer H2-mode! 6" tall in robot mode.

Autobot Ratchet (Target Exclusive)
Repair and rescue - those are the skills Autobot Ratchet has perfected over the centuries. His ability to diagnose and fix an injured Transformer was unmatched on Cybertron and remains so on Earth. Autobot Ratchet is adept on the battlefield, but a proponent of peace - he envisions a universe free of Transformer conflict.

7.5" Ratchet features a hidden axe in robot mode and a roof rack that converts to shield or combat stretcher.

Includes comic book.


Autobot Tracks (Commemorative Series V)
If his buddies complain that he's a little too impressed with his own good looks, Autobot Tracks just chalks it up to jealousy. They may be right. Fast, sleek, and a little reckless, he prefers his sportscar vehicle mode to robot mode, and can hit speeds up to 280 mph without breaking a sweat. Equipment includes heat-seeking long-range incendiary missiles and blinding black beam gun. All that prevents him from becoming a truly great Autobot warrior is his vanity, which tends to distract him from the struggle to defeat Decepticon forces once and for all. "Looking good is what life is all about."
Autobot Whirl vs Decepticon Bludgeon (Master of Metallikato)
For the first time on Earth, TransFormers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Master of Metallikato Autobot Whirl and Decepticon Bludgeon, two masters of the ultimate fighting art - Metallikato - face off in a battle to the very end. Wielding ancient blades, handed down through generations of warriors, AUTOBOT WHIRL and DECEPTICON BLUDGEON circle one another, every sensor alert for the slightest opening. Though they move slowly and deliberately now, once they strike, the battle will be far too fast for the human eye to see. It will be decided in a matter of microseconds by flashing blades powered by centuries of training.

A Toys R Us Exclusive. Whirl is 7" tall and Bludgeon is 6" tall.

Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet (Fast Action Battlers)
On a team made up only of the most courageous and daring warriors from the planet CYBERTRON, AUTOBOT RATCHET is probably the bravest. As the team’s medic, he will charge across a blazing battlefield, dodging laser fire and missiles, to reach an injured friend. He can’t bear to see suffering, so even as he defends himself with his battle axe, he readies his surgical tools to heal any damage done!

AUTOBOT robot figure changes into Hummer H2 vehicle mode and back again, and features a blasting-axe attack!

Barricade (3.5" Movie Legends)
Change this 3.5" tall DECEPTICON warrior figure from menacing robot mode to Saleen S281 police car mode - and back again! This is one cool figure for your collection!
Barricade (Cyber Slammers)
Team up with the evil DECEPTICON character as you pretend to battle the heroic AUTOBOTS for the All Spark! Slam this robot down and watch it go in full vehicle mode. As it rolls along, the robot pops up!
Barricade (Movie Deluxe)
BARRICADE is a born liar. The greatest thrill in his life is knowing people trust him because of the human decorations on his door panels. The look of betrayal they get when they realize what they're dealing with is as sweet as candy. The only thing he likes better is chasing down AUTOBOTS and breaking them into pieces with his powerful arms and crushing, hydraulic hands.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from menacing robot mode to Saleen S281 police car mode and back again! It features spring-loaded punch-attack action and a DECEPTICON FRENZY figure that ejects from its chest in robot mode! This is one awesome figure for your collection!

Barricade (Premium Series)
Repaired and rested after the long struggle against the AUTOBOTS, BARRICADE is at a loss for what to do. MEGATRON has been destroyed, and most of the other DECEPTICONS have disappeared. It’s more and more difficult to catch an AUTOBOT alone, and tormenting humans isn’t as enjoyable as he thought it would be. For the time being, he fades into the background. He keeps his armor polished and his vehicle mode looking sharp in the hope that MEGATRON will return again, and lead the DECEPTICONS to glory.

Premium series figure has super-detailed deco bring out the detail in this SALVAGE figures robot mode. Launch a DECEPTICON FRENZY figure from it’s chest!. In vehicle mode, he’s one slick-looking Saleen® S281 police car. Ready to roll out against the enemy? Change this DECEPTICON warrior from car mode to robot mode for a spring-loaded punch attack!

Barricade (Target Exclusive)
Description coming soon.
Battle Blade Starscream (Fast Action Battlers)
STARSCREAM prefers to attack from the sky, where none of the AUTOBOTS can reach him, but the skies of Earth are awfully crowded with humans and ridiculous machines. That’s all right though; there are some fights where a missile just isn’t personal enough. That’s why he had the retractable battle blades installed. He loves to see the look of fear in AUTOBOT eyes when he snaps out his razor-sharp energy blades.

Awesome quick-change figure converts from robot mode to F-22 Raptor jet mode and back again! Robot mode features a launching power-hook projectile!

Black Costume Spider-Man (Transformers Crossovers)
Capable of phenomenal acceleration, and maneuverable enough to weave through traffic as easily as Spider-Man himself dodges bullets, his motorcycle mode is the ultimate extension of his style. In mech mode, it duplicates his powers almost perfectly, with powerful electromagnets that allow wall-crawling, and missile launchers that fire explosive blasts of webbing strong enough to entangle even the most powerful machine opponent.

One look at this Spider-Man hero’s web missile launcher and you’ll know that the wall-crawling wonder is ready to spring into action! Convert the superhero figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a sleek, black super cycle that’s ready to flatten the competition! 6" scale.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Black Costume Spider-Man Transformers Crossovers Marvel Universe
This is the ultimate Spider-Man battle suit! Even faster and stronger than the last one, it amps up the wall-crawler's powers to their maximum limit. when he stomps into battle piloting this powerful mech, no villain stands a chance!

Spider-Man transforms into Formula One race car. 6" scale.


Blackout & Scorponok Decepticon Desert Attack 2-Pack
Roaring in low over the landscape, BLACKOUT pours fire down upon any target that comes within range of his sensors. The only creature for which he displays something other than open contempt is his companion SCORPONOK. The frenzied smaller robot serves its huge master more as a pet than a friend, hounding any enemies that attempt to flee and driving them towards the larger robot's blazing cannons. Together, they are a relentless force of destruction, bent on bathing the landscape in superheated plasma charges until the desert itself is a fused, broken plain of lifeless glass.

Get ready to rule the universe with this awesome two-pack of advanced-conversion DECEPTICON figures. SCORPONOK figure changes from robot to scorpion mode and back again, with drilling pincers in robot mode and a spring-loaded stinger attack in scorpion mode. Change BLACKOUT from menacing robot machine to Sikorsky Pave Low helicopter mode with spinning rotor blades and a SCORPONOK mini figure that can be carried into battle!

•Two-pack of advanced-conversion figures features two DECEPTICON characters from the blockbuster movie!
•Includes BLACKOUT, SCORPONOK and mini SCORPONOK figures.
•Ages 5 and up.

Blackout (3.5" Movie Legends)
Converts from robot mode to Sikorsky Pave Low mode.
Blackout (Movie Voyager)
BLACKOUT is the largest of the DECEPTICONS. Most often seen looming silently over the right shoulder of MEGATRON, he is his leader’s hound. He pursues relentless efficiency, allowing nothing to stop him in his task. Those who defy him beware: his rage knows no bounds. He will fill the air with fire and burn the land clear to take his revenge. Paired with his minion SCORPONOK, he is a dangerous and a deadly foe.

DECEPTICON robot-to-vehicle figure features a spinning blade grinder in robot mode and spinning rotor blades in helicopter mode. Figure comes with SCORPONOK mini-figure that fits inside the helicopter!

Blackout (Premium Series)
The only goals BLACKOUT ever had were to serve for MEGATRON, fight for DECEPTICON dominance, and be the most perfect soldier he could. He follows orders without question, even to the point of self-termination, and maintains himself and his weapons in pristine condition. The other DECEPTICONS may choose the easy road, letting their bodies gather scratches and dents, but BLACKOUT knows discipline is the prerequisite to power.

Premium Series DECEPTICON robot-to-vehicle figure features a spinning blade grinder in robot mode and spinning rotor blades in helicopter mode! Spiffed out in super-detailed deco, this figure comes with SCORPONOK mini-figure that fits inside the helicopter!

Blade Shield Barricade (Fast Action Battlers)
BARRICADE serves as a spy for MEGATRON, sneaking in among the enemy and learning as much as he can before destroying every trace he was ever there with his powerful lasers. He uses his whirling Blade Shield to carve through even the toughest materials. It's the perfect tool for breaking into secure buildings or carving through armored data cases.

DECEPTICON robot-to-vehicle figure converts to Saleen S281 police car mode and back again, with a spinning blade shield in robot mode!

Blowpipe vs. Sideways (Super Tuner Throwdown)
Blowpipe is obsessed with adapting Earth technology to work in his alien body. Endless tinkering, with help from Autobot Ratchet, has resulted in a remarkable fusion of technology, giving Blowpipe surprising strength, speed and firepower. It's just these advantages that give him the edge against his latest opponent - the Decepticon speedster Sideways. Though the evil robot thinks he can rely on his speed to escape, he's in for a surprise when he sees Blowpipe easily keeping up.

Blowpipe's bed cover converts to capture claw.

Boba Fett Slave 1 (Transformers)
A bounty hunter never stops for rest, especially while hunting his prize catch. Boba Fett, the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter, has been tracking Han Solo for months. Using modified armor and new shape-shifting technology, Fett morphs into Slave 1 mode and flies to Coruscant, where Solo was last spotted. Converts from Slave 1 mode to notorious bounty hunter. Includes launching projectile missile and 2 pistols.
Bonecrusher (Movie Deluxe)
BONECRUSHER hates everything, and what BONECRUSHER hates, he destroys. He hates this planet, and all its inhabitants. He hates the AUTOBOTS for getting in his way. He even hates MEGATRON and the other DECEPTICONS; the only reason he stays with them is because MEGATRON scares him. BONECRUSHER lives for the day when he's the only one left standing atop a pile of smoking rubble and shattered robots.

Change this advanced-conversion, DECEPTICON figure from robot mode with spinning blades, to BUFFALO MCPV vehicle mode – and back again!

Booster X10 (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! BOOSTER X10 is a mean-spirited trickster with a talent for toying with people. Sophisticated hypersonics allow him to distort any audio signal, even simple speech. His favorite trick is to wait in his victim’s pocket and alter incoming sounds to cause accidents and arguments. He loves seeing how much trouble he can cause just by changing the sound of a word here, or making a racing ambulance sound like a barking dog.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from robot to MP3 player mode and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not a working MP3 player.

Breakaway (dark variant)
Serving in an army of robots tied to the ground makes BREAKAWAY unique. He is one of the very few among the elite AUTOBOT flyers, and he is unmatched for speed in a straight line. While other pilots focus on aerial acrobatics that confound the enemy, BREAKAWAY is content to speed over a fight at seemingly impossible velocity, releasing bombs and missiles that strike their targets before the thunderous boom of his passage can catch up.

Team up with this faithful ally and get ready to take on DECEPTICON forces! In robot mode, check out this super-cool AUTOBOT soldier’s spinning gatling cannon! Then, with a few twists and turns, change the robot figure to fighter jet mode and gear up for lots of high-“flying” adventure!

Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features MECH ALIVE gearing for a spinning gatling cannon in robot mode!

Bruticus Maximus (Combiners Class)
Slow and stupid might be considered drawbacks in most warriors, but not Bruticus Maximus. In him, these traits simply serve to highlight just how strong and indestructible he is. He is one of the strongest and toughest Decepticons ever built, with enough power to pulverize most Autobots a single blow. Missiles and artillery bounce harmlessly off his armor, and high-powered lasers just annoy him. Most Autobots consider any battle in which Bruticus Maximus takes part a losing proposition.

Includes Blast Off, Swindle, Onslaught, Vortex and Decepticon Brawl.

Bumblebee & Soundwave (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy’s greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With incredible ability to change into every day objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES are more than meets the eye!

2.5" tall two-pack of chunky figures includes BUMBLEBEE and SOUNDWAVE figures.

Note: Product does not convert.

Bumblebee & Soundwave with bonus Rodimus (Walmart Exclusive)
Bumblebee has been trying to bring down Soundwave for years. The Autobot scout hates the fact that Soundwave always seems to be able to track his movements. Now that the Decepticon communications officer is on Earth, however, Bumblebee has a foolproof plan for taking him out for good.

3" tall Bumblebee transforms into Camaro Concept and Soundwave transforms into a satellite.

Includes a bonus Rodimus figure.


Bumblebee & Starscream 4-Pack (Toys R Us Exclusive)
Bumblebee and Starscream are enemies of the highest order. Their feud has raged for ages - having first met in battle during the waning days of Earth, each warrior received a much needed vehicle-mode upgrade, but shiny paint did nothing to quell the centuries-old rivalry. Rest assured, when these two Transformers next meet, nothing will be held back.

Includes 2.5" to 3.5" versions of Cybertronian Bumblebee, Camaro concept mode, F-22 Raptor mode, Cybertronian Starscream and 2 blasters.


Bumblebee (3.5" Movie Legends)
Change this 3.5" tall AUTOTBOT warrior figure from menacing robot mode to classic Camaro vehicle mode - and back again! This is one cool figure for your collection!
Bumblebee (Classic)
Data is power. Small compared to most other TRANSFORMERS, BUMBLEBEE more than makes up for it through his incredible bravery and willingness to go places larger robots won't. Capable of aerial and underwater missions, he is more versatile than many other AUTOBOTS. His eagerness to do his part leads him to go above and beyond the call of duty, often placing him in grave danger. It is a testament to his skill that he has never been captured. Converts from cruiser to Autobot spy robot. Features Wave Crusher and trailer that converts to jet pack.
Bumblebee (Concept Camaro)
$34.99 $49.99
Before he came to Earth, Bumblebee could have cared less about his appearance, as long as his alternate mode kept him hidden, and protected his plasma cannon from the weather, he was content. But now, on Earth, he has found friendship for the first time in as long as he can remember, in the person of Sam Witwicky. At Sam's urging, he scans a sweet new vehicle form. Now, he's still ready to fight to the end against the Decepticons but he sure hopes nothing too bad happens to his paint job.

Cannon converts to blade.

Bumblebee (Cyber Slammers)
Team up with the heroic AUTOBOT character as you pretend to battle the evil DECEPTICONS for the All Spark! Slam this robot down and watch it go in classic Camaro vehicle mode. As it rolls along, the robot pops up!
Bumblebee (Cyber Stompin')
The most awesome spy in the universe is here, and needs your help to stomp some DECEPTICONS! Whether he's hidden in disguise on Earth, or traveling through space with the AUTOBOTS, BUMBLEBEE is always ready for some rough, tough action!

This tough, posable action figure features CYBER STOMPIN' action – every step triggers electronic crashing and crushing sounds! Other cool features include battle sounds and music, light-up eyes and chest, a launching robot fist and robot-punch action!

Note: 11" tall figure does not convert.

Bumblebee (Dark of the Moon, Scan Series, Toys R Us Exclusive)
The first priority whenever Bumblebee scans a new vehicle mode is the ability to fit in. As a scout and spy, it's vital that he be able to pass unnoticed by Deceptcon troops. Of course, there's no rule that says fitting in can't go hand in hand with looking good.

Features launching pulse missile.

Product does not glow or light-up. 6" scale.


Bumblebee (Dark of the Moon, Target Exclusive)
The native language of Cybertron has power. Some warriors, like bumblebee, believe that it can grant luck and protection in battle, so they inscribe the glyphs on their armor before important conflicts. No one can prove that it works, but the glyphs often glow mysteriously at critical moments.

Features pop-out cannons. 6" scale.


Bumblebee (Dark of the Moon, Walmart Exclusive)
Bumblebee was schooled in hand-to-hand combat at the most revered training center on Cybertron. There he was rewarded with a converting Energon blade for his exceptional battle skills Once on Earth, Bumblebee discovered the perfect vehicle to compliment his mighty new weapon. Now he streaks across the asphalt, a race-tuned engine under the hood, ready for any Decepticon that may cross his path!

Cannon converts to Energon Blade!


Bumblebee (Movie Deluxe)
$34.99 $39.99
Sent to Earth by OPTIMUS PRIME ahead of the other AUTOBOTS, this tough robot's job is to do what he does best: gather information, find the keeper of the secrets of the AllSpark and remain hidden. BUMBLEBEE works best in silence and solitude, acting as an unseen guardian over his assigned target. Don't let the fact that he likes to remain hidden fool you though – when it comes to a fight, he rushes in, both plasma cannons blazing!

Convert this AUTOBOT figure from menacing robot mode to Classic Camaro mode and back again! It features double missile-launching blasters in robot mode! This is one awesome figure for your collection!

Bumblebee (Robot Replicas)
Eager and friendly, Bumblebee nevertheless developed a solitary nature after the injury that left him mostly mute. It is a welcome surprise to discover on meeting Sam that he can actually communicate with humans through their music. Of course, now that he's made friends on Earth, he's got to fight to keep them alive long enough to actually enjoy the friendship. If the Decepticons want to harm the humans under his protection, they'll have to go through him - and his plasma cannon - first.

Fully poseable figure includes arm-mounted plasma ejection cannon. Product does not convert.

Bumblebee (Target Exclusive)
Advanced conversion level 3.
Bumblebee (Transformers Animated Deluxe Class)
The youngest robot on the crew, BUMBLEBEE is what some – especially AUTOBOT RATCHET - would call over-eager. It's not his fault he prefers action over talk. Talk is just, you know, boring. Especially when you could be racing at top speed into a fight, or boosting into the air to launch a few well-placed energy stingers at an enemy. Nothing scares BUMBLEBEE, not even MEGATRON.

Check out this awesome AUTOBOT warrior in sports car mode or robot mode! Either way, this BUMBLEBEE figure means business. Flip-out stingers help this hefty hero deliver a sharp blow to the enemy while snap-on rocket thrusters give the striped sportster a boost in vehicle mode!

5" long figure comes with snap-on rocket thrusters.

Bumblebee (Unleashed)
BUMBLEBEE joined the AUTOBOTS because of a native idealism that has never left him. He believes without question in the phrase so often uttered by OPTIMUS PRIME - that freedom is the right endemic of all sentient creatures. Yet centuries of war have tempered his idealism, scarring him and leaving his vocal processors shattered and painful to use. He has become a hard and capable warrior who believes that it takes more than being right to win. A solitary disposition born of his difficulty speaking, and his unwavering focus on victory over the DECEPTICONS make him an ideal spy and infiltrator -- the perfect robot to serve as a watchful eye over Sam and his precious data. Paired with a human, BUMBLEBEE finds himself with a true friend for the first time in many cycles; a friend he will sacrifice his last circuit to protect.

The star of the TRANSFORMERS movie is unleashed in its full, awesome glory with this meticulously rendered, movie-accurate sculpture inspired by 3-D turnarounds pulled straight from the film. Unremarkable detail makes this one must-have sculpture for your collection.

Includes exclusive cover variant of IDW’s sell-out Official Movie Prequel #1 comic book.

Bumblebee 2-Pack (Evolution of a Hero)
First on Earth, BUMBLEBEE was given the task of locating and protecting Sam until the other AUTOBOTS could arrive. He found more than a mission to complete. He found friendship among the humans that he would risk his life to defend. More than that, he found a place that felt like home for the first time since CYBERTRON. When he arrived, he scanned the first vehicle he saw, but once he decided to stay on Earth, he thought something a little more up to date would help him feel right at home. Change these AUTOBOT figures from detailed robots to awesome vehicles and back again! Classic Camaro® vehicle features double missile-launching blasters, while the Camaro® Concept vehicle features a cannon that converts to a blade! These are two amazing advanced-conversion vehicles to add to your collection!
Bumblebee vs Megatron (Target Exclusive)
It was Megatron that rendered Bumblebee mute back on Cybertron, and ever since, the Decepticon leader has looked forward to finishing the job. The Autobot scout has been a thorn in the side of the Decepticon army for ages. It is time to do away with Bumblebee, once and for all.

Bumblebee measures 3" tall and Megatron is 3.75" tall.


Bumblebee vs. Barricade (Movie First Encounter)
The tortured scream of twisting metal fills the air as – for the first time – TRANSFORMERS meet in battle on Earth. One of them is a relentless hunter without mercy, whose dark, alien mind is focused only on his goal. The other is sworn to protect life wherever he finds it, and defend the weak against those who would harm them. The two metal warriors trade blows as part of a war thousands of years old. BARRICADE rips chunks away from the armored body of his opponent, determined to serve his master MEGATRON to the very end, while BUMBLEBEE desperately scrambles to bring his weapons systems to bear before Sam and Mikaela get hurt.
Cannon Blast Ironhide (Fast Action Battlers)
STARSCREAM prefers to attack from the sky, where none of the AUTOBOTS can reach him, but the skies of Earth are awfully crowded with humans and ridiculous machines. That’s all right though; there are some fights where a missile just isn’t personal enough. That’s why he had the retractable battle blades installed. He loves to see the look of fear in AUTOBOT eyes when he snaps out his razor-sharp energy blades.

Awesome quick-change figure converts from robot mode to F-22 Raptor jet mode and back again! Robot mode features a launching power-hook projectile!

Cannon Bumblebee (Revenge of The Fallen)
$19.99 $25.99
After the battle of Mission City, and the discovery of new DECEPTICONS on Earth, BUMBLEBEE decided to upgrade as many of his systems as he could. With the help of AUTOBOT RATCHET, he added some human missile launchers to his arsenal, and modified his vehicle mode to make his weapons accessible. He was caught off-guard too many times by the DECEPTICONS. Now when they come around he’ll be ready.

Gear up for battle excitement with this popular AUTOBOT ally! Recreate exciting movie scenes or stage your own living room battles with this trusty sidekick! In vehicle mode, this sleek speedster converts to a Camaro concept cart with pop-out battle blasters to help you take on DECEPTICON forces! Roll out!

Captain America (Transformers Crossovers)
$129.99 $149.99
Sometimes world-class threats require world-class power. That’s when Captain America steps into his specially built mech suit. Fast, made of the same indestructible Vibranium alloy as his shield, and attuned to his perfect reflexes, only a Super Soldier like Captain America could control the awesome power of this battle suit. Plus, the vehicle mode is rugged and stealthy, giving him the drop on evildoers!

One look at this Captain America hero’s pop-out shield and you’ll know that he’s ready to save the day! Convert the mighty figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a fighting 4x4 vehicle that proudly displays the pride of the Red, White and Blue! 6" scale.

Carnage (Transformers Crossovers)
Based on prototypes stolen from nemesis Mr. Fantastic, Doctor Doom builds a series of mechanized war-suits for the use of the world’s worst Super Villains.

The evil of Carnage is matched only by his thirst for power. By melding his alien symbiote with the war-suit given to him by Doctor Doom, he can greatly enhance his already impressive strength and achieve ultimate devastation. He can even disguise himself as a muscle car, making him a formidable foe for the likes of Thor and Iron Man.

One look at this vicious-looking villain and you know he’s looking for his next victim! Aim this Carnage figure’s firing projectile and unleash supervillain-sized attack! Convert the “fiery” figure from villain to vehicle mode to unleash a mean muscle car vehicle! 6" scale.

Cheetor (25th Anniversary)
CHEETOR has always been fast. Other robots move at speeds that seem agonizingly slow to him, as if they were trapped in tar. Unfortunately, a lot of the time he moves a lot faster than he thinks, and finds himself in situations that, in retrospect, could have been avoided. Still, his speed has gotten him out of a lot more jams than it's gotten him into, and when speed isn't enough he can always break out his blades.

Convert this advanced conversion figure from robot to beast mode- and back again! Complete with triple-bladed battle discs, a battle club in robot mode and eyes that change color in cheetah beast mode, this is one awesome 5" figure for your collection!

Chevrolet Corvette Battle Ravage Alternator
1:24th scale level 3 Transformer features realistic tires, secret weapon and detailed interior.
Cliffjumper (Movie Deluxe)
Surly and impatient, CLIFFJUMPER is almost the exact opposite of his friend BUMBLEBEE. Where BUMBLEBEE is sneaky and careful, CLIFFJUMPER is just loud. He’d rather find the nearest DECEPTICON and blow him away than sneak around “gathering intelligence.” If you know where the bad guys are, you really don’t need to know anything else, reasons CLIFFJUMPER. Why not just start blasting and pick up any date you need afterward from the smoking wreckage? With MEGATRON and the AllSpark destroyed, hunting DECEPTICONS is easier – and more fun – than ever. Convert this detailed robot-to-vehicle figure from robot mode to sporty concept vehicle mode and back again. Robot mode features a cannon that converts to a blade weapon to assist in enemy battles.
Clocker & Hardtop (The Data War)
Tasked by Megatron with the disruption of Autobot communications, Hardtop tracks one of the fastest and most effective couriers employed by Optimus Prime. The super-speedster Clocker has never been caught in the middle of a mission, but Hardtop hopes his long-range laser can put a stop to the racer's data delivery.
Clone Commander Cody Turbo Tank (Transformers)
As one of the Republic’s elite clone troopers, Clone Commander Cody is the natural choice to command this advanced turbo tank. Huge, fast, and bristling with weapons, the turbo tank is already an unstoppable force. Little do the Separatists suspect, however, that with a single order, Commander Cody can morph the tank into an awesome fighting robot with enough power to level a city!

With its hidden blaster weapon compartment and launching missile, this ten-wheel tank means business! Convert from tank mode to Clone Commander Cody robot mode and "fire" a missile from this raging robot’s weapon! No matter which mode you choose, you’ll be ready to bring the galactic battle to a living room near you!

Figure comes with missile launcher, missile and mini Clone Commander Cody pilot figure. 6" scale.

Clone Commander Wolffe to Republic Gunship (Transformers Crossovers)
The clone commander Wolffe mech leads his Wolfpack squadron against a swarm of battle droids, then converts to a Republic gunship to attack more droids from the sky.

8.5" long, includes launching projectiles.

Clone Pilot ARC-170 Starfighter (Transformers)
This skilled pilot is part of the Republic's most elite military force. Using a cutting-edge morphing technology developed during the Clone Wars, he is able to engage his enemies on the ground, then quickly morph into ARC-170 mode and bring the battle into space. Converts from ARC-170 Starfighter to Clone Pilot. Includes 2 launching missiles and mini Clone Pilot figure.
Clone Pilot ARC-170 Starfighter (Transformers, Clone Wars)
This skilled pilot is part of the Republic's most elite military force. Using a cutting-edge morphing technology developed during the Clone Wars, he is able to engage his enemies on the ground, then quickly morph into ARC-170 mode and bring the battle into space.

Converts from ARC-170 Starfighter to Clone Pilot.

Includes 2 launching missiles and mini Clone Pilot figure.

Clone Pilot Republic Gunship (Transformers)
The Republic gunship sweeps across Geonosis, blasting the Separatist forces with a barrage of missiles! The clone pilot lands in the middle of a fierce battle between droids and clone troopers, and converts the gunship into a heavily armed ground fighter that goes straight for droids!

Modeled after the powerful combat vessels used by the clone troopers during the Clone Wars, this fierce fighting machine is now a mode-changing figure that’s full of surprises! Convert the Republic Gunship to combat robot and back again! Vehicle mode features two projectile launchers and a clone pilot figure that fits inside. 6" scale.

Clone Trooper to AT-TE (Transformers Crossovers)
The clone trooper marches his AT-TE into combat against the droid army. He is surrounded on all sides but has a devastating surprise for the unsuspecting droids: he changes his AT-TE into a huge mech and blasts the enemy with his proton cannon!

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take him on! In mech mode, your Clone Trooper figure has the tough battle armor to fight any foe. When it's time to chase down his opponents, convert him to AT-TE vehicle mode to march out and fire the launching projectile accessory!

6" scale figure comes with a projectile accessory.

Commander Grimstone with Dinobots (Power Core Combiner)
Grimstone has always dreamed of power and the privilege it brings. Despite his hunger for power, however, he has always considered the needs of others before himself. He believes it is the responsibility of the powerful to protect those less fortunate - a belief he intends to aggressively enforce now that he has his own Power Core Team.

Includes Grimstone, Spinosaurus Drone, Parasaurolophus Drone, Ankylosaurus Drone and Pachycephalosaurus Drone.


Constructicon Devastator (Legends Class, Toys R Us Exclusive)
As the hunt for the Decepticons continues, Optimus Prime creates an elite group of Autobots dedicated to hunting down the dangerous robots on Earth - the most wanted...

Back on Cybertron, Constructicon Devastator wanted to make sure everyone knew he was coming, and that they were afraid.

Includes Overload, Scavenger, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Hightower, Rampage, and Long Haul.

Stands 6" tall in Devastator mode.

Constructicon Devastator (Legends Class, Walmart Exclusive)
Never before has a robot so powerful been seen anywhere in the galaxy. Indeed, few forces on Earth can match the strength and fury of Constructicon Devastator. He is the equal of Earth's most powerful storms - a ferocious destroyer of all in his path. He is so huge that the very thought of engaging in direct combat against him makes even the stoutest Autobot quake in fear. No one knows how to defeat him, but if the Autobots hope for victory, they will need to find a way.

Includes Overload, Scavenger, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Hightower, Rampage and Long Haul.

Measures approximately 6" tall in combined mode.

Constructicon Devastator (Revenge of The Fallen, Supreme Class)
The ultimate DECEPTICON weapon has arrived on Earth, and nothing will ever be the same. CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR is the biggest robot ever, towering above AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS alike. As his Vortex Grinder snaps open and glows with power, all before him quake in fear, knowing their destruction is inevitable!

Combine all six detailed vehicles, including MIXMASTER vehicle with motion activated vehicle and conversion sounds, to create the mighty CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR figure! Lights and destruction sounds show his enemies he means business and when this CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR figure speaks, they're sure to run in fear! Recreate exciting movie scenes right in your living room with this super cool figure.


Six detailed vehicles combine to form the mighty CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR figure with electronic speech and motion activated sounds! Vortex Grinder opens! Includes LONGHAUL, MIXMASTER, SCAVENGER, RAMPAGE, SCRAPPER, and HIGHTOWER vehicles.

Includes 2 "AA" POWRFUEL batteries.

Ages 5 and up.

Constructicon Devastator 5-Pack
The incredible power of CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR is rooted in the combination of five DECEPTICON warriors, but he is somewhat limited by their minds all competing for full control over his massive body. BONECRUSHER is a chaotic madman who lives to destroy, while LONG HAUL is a brooding genius with a talent for constructing the vast energy collection engines that supply the DECEPTICONS with power. HIGHTOWER is a chemistry lab on wheels whose passion for poisons and explosives is surpassed only by his dislike of his teammates. His polar opposite is SCAVENGER, who has an instinct for detecting valuable fuels and minerals, but is desperate for the approval and friendship of his fellow CONSTRUCTICONS. Finally, there is DECEPTICON SCRAPPER, a quiet psycho whose first love is building monuments to his enemies – out of their destroyed chassis.

Assemble these five awesome robot-to-vehicle figures together to form the amazing CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR figure! Includes SCAVENGER, BONECRUSHER, LONG HAUL, HIGHTOWER and DECEPTICON SCRAPPER figures, ENERGON weapons and ENGERGON stars.

Cyclonus (25th Anniversary)
Constructed from the cast-off chassis of deactivated DECEPTICON® warriors, CYCLONUS was programmed by UNICRON® to be loyal only to GALVATRON®. Powered by nuclear engines, and a small fragment of his creator's supernatural power, CYCLONUS wields enough might to sterilize the surface of an inhabited world by himself. He never unleashes this power without his commander's leave, however, and he focuses all of his energy on ensuring that GALVATRON® is obeyed without question by those under his command.

Convert this advanced conversion figure from robot mode to hypersonic starfighter vehicle mode - and back again! Complete with a NIGHTSTICK robot-to-machine figure that becomes a laser cannon, this is one mighty pair for your collection!

Cyclonus (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Darth Maul Sith Infiltrator (Transformers)
Snarling, scornful and powerful, Darth Maul is trained to locate and eliminate the Jedi one by one. Using the powers of the dark side of the Force, Maul morphs into Sith Infiltrator mode and flies to Tatooine. There he will track down and attempt to destroy the two Jedi who have played their part in keeping the Sith a memory of past generations. The re-emergence of the Sith is soon to come! Converts from Sith Infiltrator mode to powerful Sith Lord. Includes 2 launching projectile missiles.
Darth Vader / Death Star (Transformers)
Darth Vader battles the Rebel Alliance fleet with weapons, warriors, and the power of the Force! The Sith Lord strikes with his lightsaber and blaster, then uses secret morphing technology to change into the Death Star battle station and launch a devastating attack on the heroic Rebels!

Known for his menacing tendencies as a principal on the Dark Side of the Force, this Darth Vader figure will hopefully be remembered for converting from robotic mech mode to looming Death Star vehicle mode. Keep enemies at bay with a launching projectile that can be fired in either mode! Electronic lights, a lightsaber and a blaster add to the excitement along with realistic battle sounds. Stage your own skirmishes with the MINI-CON TIE Fighter vehicles, Darth Vader Pilot figure and Stormtrooper figures. Whether your prefer mech mode, vehicle mode or changing between the two again and again, we're sure you'll agree this is one awesome figure for your collection!

11" scale figure comes with MINI-CON TIE fighter vehicles, Darth Vader pilot figure and 3 stormtrooper figures.

Darth Vader Sith Starfighter (Transformers)
Newly converted to the dark side, Darth Vader is given the task of crushing all resistance to the Emperor across the galaxy. Armed with his new, heavily modified Sith Starfighter and the power of the dark side, he morphs his vehicle into a powerful combat robot. One barrage of missiles from this terrifying war machine and even the fiercest planet will kneel to the Emperor.

Amazing Star Wars figure converts from mech mode to Sith Starfighter vehicle and back again! Figure comes with two launching projectile lightsabers and a Darth Vader figure.

Darth Vader TIE Advanced (Transformers)
As a sinister Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader is on a mission to crush the Rebellion and bring young Luke Skywalker before the Emperor. Using the power of the dark side, Vader changes into his Advanced TIE Fighter mode and combs the galaxy for Skywalker, destroying all Rebel ships, pirate fleets and asteroids that get in his way. Converts from Advanced TIE Fighter mode to Jedi-crushing Sith Lord. Features 2 launching projectile lightsabers, spin disk and mini Darth Vader. 7" tall.
Darth Vader to TIE Advanced X1 Starfighter
As a sinister lord of the Sith, Darth Vader is on a mission to crush the rebellion and bring young Luke Skywalker before the Emperor. Using the power of the dark side, Vader changes into his Advanced TIE fighter mode and combs the galaxy for Skywalker, destroying all rebel ships, pirate fleets and asteroids that get in his way. Amazing Star Wars figure converts from Advanced TIE Fighter vehicle to Jedi-crushing Sith Lord and back! Figure comes with 2 projectiles and Darth Vader pilot figure.
Decepticon Brawl (Leader Class)
For ages 5 and up.
Decepticon Brawl (Movie Deluxe)
DECEPTICON BRAWL is built for one thing, and one thing alone – destruction. His programming has been gripped for as long as he can remember by a rage so deep and so hot that he feels little else. The only thing that allows him a few moments of happiness is the fury of combat. There is nothing so sweet to him as the thunderous noise of his shells bursting against the armor of a faltering AUTOBOT.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from menacing robot mode to tank mode and back again! It features rotating turrets in robot mode and a projectile-launching cannon in tank mode! This is one awesome figure for your collection!

6.5" tall in robot mode.

Decepticon Brawl (Target Exclusive)
Description coming soon.
Deep Space Starscream
Fleeing the catastrophic battle that led to the destruction of Megatron, Starscream retreats to a nearby power plant where he can siphon enough raw energy to repair himself of the minor damage he has suffered from human weapons. His frame repaired and reenergized, he boosts out of the atmosphere, headed for deep space. As he accelerates past the moon, he sets his sensors to long-range scan, hoping to find evidence of nearby Decepticon reinforcements he can bring back to Earth to destroy the Autobots and their human allies.

Limited edition metallic finish. Level 3 conversion class. Transforms from robot mode to F-22 Raptor mode. Includes 6 firing missiles.

Dinobot (25th Anniversary)
Within the chassis of DINOBOT beats the spark of a warrior. Victory won with honor is the highest aim to which he has ever aspired. It is an aim that seems more and more remote, the longer he spends under the command of MEGATRON. Duplicity is not the warrior’s way. As the battle on this strange, primitive world rages, it seems to DINOBOT that true honor may come only through the MAXIMAL way.

Get ready for a battle of prehistoric proportions! This awesome robot-to-beast figure converts from MAXIMAL warrior to PREDACON beast with the push of a button! Launch missiles in robot mode or unleash a vicious-looking Velociraptor dinosaur in beast mode. It’s a battle where only the strong survive – and only you decide who will win!

6" scale figure comes with missile accessory.

Dirge (Heroes of Cybertron)
Collect all 6 (Autobot Espionage Team, Dirge, Wheeljack, Jazz, Perceptor and Gigatron) to build Fortress Maximus!
Divebomb (Deluxe Class)
Divebomb tries his hardest to make friends with the other Decepticons, but they go out of their way to avoid him. Everyone recognizes his skill as an aerial fighter, his intelligence as a tactician, and his positive attitude towards the goal of total Decepticon domination. Unfortunately, his reactor containment is so bad that other robots can't stand to be near him. Wherever he goes, he leaves a trail of toxic fumes, and he emits so much radiation that is short-circuits the sensor systems of those nearby.

Features missile launcher with firing missile.

Double Missile Decipton Brawl (Fast Action Battlers)
DECEPTICON BRAWL lives to blow stuff up. Big and mean, he's only happy when his face is being warmed by the heat of explosions. He serves his leader – the evil MEGATRON - without question, and will destroy anything that gets in his way. His least favorite thing about the AUTOBOTS is that there just aren't enough of them left to pound with a double blast from his shoulder cannons.

DECEPTICON robot figure changes into tank mode and back again, and features two firing missiles!

Dreadwing isn't terribly intelligent, so no one's certain where he got the teleportation technology that allows him to warp up to two and a half miles instantly. He sure didn't invent it and no one else has it, so he must have stolen it, which makes sense. He is, after all, a born thief. Sneaky and greedy, he pranks and steals from his fellow Decepticons as often as the Autobots. No one likes him, so he spends most of his time alone, plotting grand schemes and spiking other robots' gas tanks with sugar.

Includes 2 launching missiles.

Dropkick didn't want to come to Earth, but Megatron made him. He'd rather stay home on Cybertron, sitting in the dark and being angry, but Megatron has him hauling materials all over this lame planet. He doesn't even know why the AllSpark is so important, or why the Autobots need to be getting in his way all the time. He just wishes everyone would leave him alone. Still, while he's here, he might as well blow some stuff up. That's always fun.

Features bed cover that converts to capture claw. 6" scale.

Elita One (Movie Scout)
• The first of the female Transformer robots
• Figure changes from robot to vehicle and back again
• Chase down enemies with the ultimate Energon weapon
• For ages 5 yrs. and up
Elite Guard Bumblebee
After getting up close to members of the AUTOBOT Elite Guard, BUMBLEBEE wants more than ever to be one of them. It is his personal opinion that the one thing the Elite Guard needs to be perfect is to lighten up a little bit, and he’s just the guy t o put the “lite” back in “Elite.” His first step to fitting in with the Elite Guard is to look the part, so he had Sari borrow some of her dad’s auto-painting robots to help him achieve his new look.

Prepare yourself for battle with this awesome figure! Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features flip-out stingers in robot mode and converts to an elite racer in vehicle mode with snap-on rocket thrusters for added AUTOBOT power! 6" scale.

Emperor Palpatine (Transformers)
The hate is swelling within Emperor Palpatine. It gives him focus, vanquishes his fears and makes him more powerful than the blind and arrogant Jedi Knights. After rebuilding Darth Vader's body and warping his mind, the Emperor uses the dark side of the Force to change into shuttle mode. He transports Vader to an undisclosed location in the Outer Rim where he will complete his Sith training and make him the most feared villain the galaxy has ever known. Converts from Imperial Shuttle mode to Sith Master. Includes projectile lightsaber, light shield and mini Emperor Palpatine pilot figure.
Evac (Movie Voyager)
When EVAC received the transmission from OPTIMUS PRIME inviting the surviving AUTOBOTS to Earth, he knew he was needed there immediately. The final battle against MEGATRON could only have resulted in massive damage to the world, which meant that his skills would be critical. As a rescue specialist, EVAC has spent his life traveling from one disaster zone to the next, protecting and saving those he could. He is totally fearless, willing to risk anything to help his fellow sentient creatures.

Features raft that converts to hand blaster. 7" scale.

Fighter Jet Iron Man (Transformers Crossovers, Iron Man 2)
For some battles, not even the massive firepower of the Iron Man armor is quite enough. That's why Iron Man built this enormous, converting suit. It has the speed and maneuverability of the armor, but carries the overwhelming ordnance of the world's most advanced fighter jets.

This mighty figure is twice the trouble for any enemy that tries to take him on! In his mech mode, your "iron-clad" Iron Man figure is ready and willing to pummel his opponents with his massive "strength". When it's time to shake up the battle a little, convert him to his "high-flying" fighter jet vehicle mode and launch his double repulsor blast accessories to give the bad guys an "airborne" attack they won't forget!

6" scale figure comes with launcher accessories.

Fighter Jet War Machine (Transformers Crossovers, Iron Man 2)
Even with all the weapons War Machine carries, there's always a good reason to carry more. The same military technicians that modified the original War Machine armor created this converting version. They increased its size and speed to match the military's best fighter jets, and added even more of the most devastating weaponry available to modern science.

This mighty figure is twice the trouble for any enemy that tries to take him on! In his mech mode, your "iron-clad" War Machine figure is ready and willing to pummel his opponents with his massive "strength". When it's time to shake up the battle a little, convert him to his "high-flying" fighter jet vehicle mode and launch his two missile accessories to give the bad guys an "airborne" attack they won't forget!

Figure comes with missile accessories.

Final Battle Jazz
As mechanical beings, most Transformers can take an amazing amount of damage and still operate at peak efficiency. Autobot Jazz is no exception. Battered and blasted, he's still ready too bring the fight to the Decepticons, and keep pounding away at the evil robots until either he or they are destroyed. He is still a force to be reckoned with, equipped as he is with a powerful new weapon that fires bladed crescents of elemental energy sharp enough to slice through solid titanium.

Includes crescent cannon that attaches to vehicle and blasts a missile. Spoiler becomes shield.

First Strike Optimus Prime (Voyager Class)
$41.99 $49.99
When the AllSpark was destroyed, the war against the Decepticons ended in one stroke. Optimus Prime was bathed in the power of the shattered AllSpark. The gaps in his armor gleam with ancient energy, his eyes and voice pulse with power. He has become a living receptacle of the creative power of the AllSpark, capable of healing - or destroying - with the merest thought. Despite this, he remains dedicated to peace. As a symbol of this dedication, he has altered his exterior decorations to match the ones he bore as a young leader, before the beginning of the war.

Features missile firing cannons and smokestacks that convert to cannons.

Galvatron (Heroes Of Cybertron)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs on card.
General Grievous to Grievous Starfighter (Transformers Crossovers)
General Grievous has fought many enemies in the Clone Wars, but none has been so difficult to defeat as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Every duel has ended with Grievous on the run and the Jedi still alive. Piloting his starfighter, Grievous launches an all-out attack against Obi-Wan then morphs into mech mode to defeat the Jedi once and for all!

With two galactically great battle modes to choose from, this mode-changing figure is full of surprises – including two launching projectiles! Press the buttons to blast the enemy! Slide the General Grievous pilot figure into the starfighter vehicle and plan your attack. Convert the vehicle into General Grievous mech mode and prepare to do battle right from your living room! The fate of the galaxy is in your hands!

Figure comes with two projectiles.

General Grievous to Grievous' Starfighter (Transformers)
General Grievous pilots his starfighter in a space battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, then converts his fighter into a mech and unleashes his lightsabers to duel his Jedi enemy.

Get the galaxy-crossing awesomeness of Star Wars and the conversion action of TRANSFORMERS! This 4" GENERAL GRIEVOUS figure is an unstoppable force in mech mode with his lightsaber. Then when the action is heaviest, you can convert him to vehicle mode so he can "fly" back into the battle! Keep converting him back and forth so he can handle whatever his enemies throw at him!


General Grievous Wheel Bike (Transformers)
The much-feared General Grievous has trained with the evil Count Dooku in the art of lightsaber combat. Using unorthodox fighting methods, such as a furious multiple-lightsaber assault, Grievous has managed to cut down several Jedi Knights. Now, Grievous changes into wheel bike mode to engage and destroy Obi-Wan Kenobi and the remaining Jedi. Converts from wheel bike mode to Jedi-battling, droid army commander. Features 2 launching projectile lightsabers, spin disk and mini General Grievous.
Ghost Rider (Transformers Crossovers)
Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth.

This battle suit was built specifically to take advantage of the magical energies that give Ghost Rider his powers. It is the perfect fusion of technology and sorcery, enhancing the arcane flame that Ghost Rider uses as a weapon.

This tough fighter figure is twice the trouble for enemies that try to take him on! In his "battle suit" mode, your Ghost Rider figure is prepared to pummel enemy forces with his powerful pop-open buzzsaw accessory. When it's time to shake up the battle a little, convert him into fast-moving motorcycle vehicle mode and send him racing into the very heart of the battle!

Thrilling figure converts from Marvel hero mode to motorcycle vehicle mode -- and back again! 6" scale.

Grey Hulk (Transformers Crossovers)
This mech suit was built specifically to match the power and rage of the Hulk. Its armor is indestructible, like the shield of Captain America™. Its hydraulic joint flexors absorb the Hulk’s energy, so that the battle suit becomes stronger as the Hulk gets angrier. In vehicle mode, a powerful sonic cannon knocks other mechs to the ground, and scrambles their audio sensors.

One blast of this Hulk hero’s power-packed punch and you’ll know that the mean, gray machine is ready to rumble! Convert the superhero figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a tough-looking tank that’s ready to flatten the competition!

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Grimlock & Shockwave (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy's greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With incredible ability to change into everyday objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES figures are more than meets the eye!

Two-pack of chunky, collectible figures includes GRIMLOCK and SHOCKWAVE figures – both in robot mode!

Note: Product does not convert.

Grimlock (Classic)
Me, Grimlock! Grimlock keeps a collection of the parts he's torn off his Decepticon enemies. His super-thick ultramantium skin in both robot and dinosaur mode is coated in energy-absorbing materials, making him nearly impervious to damage. There are many who might say much the same thing about his mind. He is actually quite smart, but a programming flaw in his speech centers gives him only the most basic communications skills. He dislikes the weak, but is dedicated to the protection of those he views as lesser creatures. The only thing he hates more than weakness, in fact, is those who exploit the weak.
Grimlock (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Gyro Blade Blackout (Fast Action Battlers)
Huge and mean, BLACKOUT lives to seek and destroy the enemies of his leader MEGATRON! He’s so incredibly big, he is almost invulnerable to the weapons of the AUTOBOTS, and so strong that he might even be able to beat OPTIMUS PRIME! When BLACKOUT joins a battle, the AUTOBOTS try to take him out as fast as possible, before he does too much damage.

DECEPTICON robot figure changes into Sikorsky® Pave Low™ helicopter mode and back again, and features a launching missile in robot mode!

Hardhead lives to fight - so much that life without a war on seems pointless to him. He would be the perfect soldier if only he could just take orders. Unfortunately, he's too stubborn to follow any command he doesn't agree with, and too dense to appreciate the subtlety of strategy. Why engage in a flanking maneuver, he reasons, when there's perfectly good open ground over which to mount a charge? More than a few battles have started early because he couldn't wait for the commanders to make their plans, and simply charged in, guns blazing.

Robot mode features lights and conversion sounds. Assault vehicle mode features engine and machinegun sounds. Includes shield that attaches to arm.

Requires two 1.5V AAA R03 batteries, included.

Hardtop (Movie Scout)
A fast, aggressive warrior, ARCEE is one of the most dangerous AUTOBOTS, despite her comparatively small size. She believes without question that the DECEPTICONS must be stopped at all costs. That belief, combined with the combat training she received from IRONHIDE make her a pure warrior, a creature of speed and sudden action, striking the DECEPTICONS whenever she can and fading away into the depths of space.

Change this AUTOBOT figure from robot to vehicle and back again! Chase down enemies with the firing projectile from the ultimate Energon weapon in robot mode!

Honda S2000 Windcharger Alternator
1:24th scale level 3 Transformer features detachable convertible top, removable engine and detailed interior.
Average rating:
average rating 100%
Hulk (Transformers Crossovers)
This mech suit was built specifically to match the power and rage of the Hulk. Its armor is indestructible, like the shield of Captain America™. Its hydraulic joint flexors absorb the Hulk’s energy, so that the battle suit becomes stronger as the Hulk gets angrier. In vehicle mode, a powerful sonic cannon knocks other mechs to the ground, and scrambles their audio sensors.

Whether in hero or vehicle mode, this fierce-looking figure is all about going green! From tough tank mode, convert the cool vehicle with a twist here and a turn there to unleash the mighty Hulk figure in hero mode! Packing a spring-loaded punch and gritted-tooth grin, this super sidekick is ready to team up with you and take on whatever adventures your imagination can dream up! 6" scale.

Human Alliance (Bumblebee and Sam Witwicky)
BUMBLEBEE and Sam were best friends almost from the moment they first met face to face. As they learned more about one another, that connection grew deeper and deeper. Now, whether Sam is behind the wheel, or standing side by side with his friend, they work together as a team. Against BUMBLEBEE and his human friend, no DECEPTICON stands a chance.

Gear up for battle excitement with this dynamic duo! Sam Witwicky figure and BUMBLEBEE robot-to-vehicle figure make a perfect pair, even interacting with each other! Convert BUMBLEBEE buddy from robot with flip-out cannon to Camaro concept car in vehicle mode – and you can even fit two human ally figures inside (additional figures sold separately)! Team up with this fearless twosome and take on the DECEPTICON enemies. Recreate exciting movie scenes or create your own! Who will win the battle? You decide!

Please note that Sam may come with either black or white shirt.

Human Torch (Transformers Crossovers)
$25.99 $33.99
Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth.

Unlike the other battle suits built by Iron Man, the one belonging to the Human Torch doesn’t quite require its own power source. Instead, it is powered by Johnny Storm’s flame powers. His nova flame is channeled through its engines to give it thrust, and through its weapons to allow it to fire powerful, superheated flame missiles.

One look at this Human Torch hero’s launching projectiles and you’ll know that he’s ready for a fiery fight! Convert the mighty figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a sleek fighter jet with “flames” shooting from its engines!

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Incinerator (Movie Voyager)
Since the end of the war and the destruction of MEGATRON, more and more individual DECEPTICONS have been appearing on Earth chasing rumors that their leader still lives. Most choose to remain hidden from the AUTOBOTS who have stayed behind to defend the world, but not INCINERATOR. He's actively hunting AllSpark enhanced AUTOBOTS, reasoning that one of them must know where MEGATRON is. When he catches an AUTOBOT, INCINERATOR takes him on a little ride, swooping and diving dangerously, hovering over canyons and volcanoes, and generally terrifying whatever information he can out of his victim. When he's done, he just finds the deepest hole he can and drops his helpless prey in.
Inferno (Movie Voyager)
INFERNO's name and deco are taken from the G1 character of the same name and Movie RATCHET's red and white pre-production color scheme. G1 Micromaster Tote a red and gray van was another influence in initial color selection.
Insecticons (Commemorative Edition)
Eat all you can, and burn the rest!

Even in an army full of greedy, sadistic, bizarre individuals, the Insecticons stand out. They fight for nothing other than their own hunger. They are loyal to no one other than themselves. Though they occasionally fight alongside the other Decepticons, betrayal is an inevitable factor. The fact remains, however, that they are simply too powerful and effective to be easily disposed of, and so they remain to plague Autobot and Decepticon alike.

Includes Kickback, Sharpshot and Hardshell.

Iron Man (Transformers Crossovers)
The very first battle suit developed by Iron Man was his own. It is the only one of the mechs built so far that can fly in both modes. It is also extremely powerful in battle, with a huge array of lasers, missiles and other weapons. Iron Man also incorporated an override system that lets him take remote control of most of the other battle suits he has built.

Whether in hero or vehicle mode, looking bold in red and gold, this is one force to be reckoned with! From missile-loaded fighter jet mode, convert the cool vehicle with a twist here and a turn there to unleash the mighty Iron Man figure in hero mode! With his double repulsor blast launchers and battle-ready stance, this super sidekick is ready to team up with you and take on whatever adventures your imagination can dream up!

Iron Man Mark II (Transformers Crossovers)
$27.99 $36.99
Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth.

It takes brains as well as brawn to engage an enemy like Doctor Doom. That’s why Iron Man’s mech hides its true nature in flight, making him look like a normal fighter jet. He lulls his enemies into a false sense of security, then converts into the most powerful Iron Man yet to take them down.

One look at this hero’s firing projectile in hero mode and you’ll know that he’s ready to take on the enemy! Convert the mighty Iron Man figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a fierce-looking fighter jet that’s ready to soar into action!

Ironhide (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Ironhide (Movie Voyager)
AUTOBOT weapon specialist and old-fashioned warrior, IRONHIDE is the big stick that backs up the soft steps of OPTIMUS PRIME. Paint scarred and chrome chipped by shrapnel from hundreds of battles, he is the oldest of the AUTOBOTS. His right hip is a mass of bypasses and temporary solutions, his power core and timing system are irregular, and his idle is set way too high; but his optics are the sharpest on CYBERTRON, and his cannon arm is as steady as ever. OPTIMUS PRIME relies on him for tactical advice and a cool head. As long as they keep making missiles compatible with his cannons, he’ll keep fighting, until every last DECEPTICON is a smoldering wreck.

Change this AUTOBOT figure from robot mode to Topkick pick-up vehicle mode and back again! Chase down enemies with dual quad-missile cannons that each fire 4 projectiles in robot mode!

Ironhide (Premium Series)
With the war finally over, IRONHIDE is free to return to the simple, easy life he knew before. Captain Lennox has been kind enough to lend him some space in his barn to store the crates containing his weapon collection, and S7 has been more than happy to indulge him in experimental weaponry. Lennox and IRONHIDE spend their weekends in the most remote places they can get to, blasting boulders and small hills into atoms, and trading war stories. He watches over Lennox’s family while the human soldier is away on duty, and in return, Lennox keeps the old AUTOBOT warrior in perfect condition.

Change this Premium Series AUTOBOT figure with super-detailed deco from robot mode to Topkick® pick-up vehicle mode and back again! Chase down enemies with dual quad-missile cannons that each fire four projectiles in robot mode!

Ironhide (Revenge of The Fallen, Voyager Class)
IRONHIDE has never been happier. It's hard on a warrior to be on the defensive all the time, but that's just what most of the war was – one defensive action after another. With MEGATRON defeated, and the DECEPTICONS on the run everywhere, it's high time the AUTOBOTS went on the offensive. Working alongside the humans to hunt and destroy DECEPTICON hideouts around the world is the most fun he’s had in ages.

Prepare to do battle – AUTOBOT style! Unleash a missile attack with this fierce fighting figure in robot mode! Attachable arm cannons give this good guy extra battle power! In Topkick truck mode, this cool cruiser features a cannon that attaches to the truck bed! This battle is on – are you ready to roll out?

Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features a launching missile and attachable arm cannons in robot mode and an attachable cannon in truck mode! Ages 5 and up. 6" tall.

Ironhide (Toys R Us Exclusive)
Ironhide may be the most battle-hardened Autobot. Countless encounters with the Decepticons have taught him that the proper vehicle mode is essential to battlefield success. Trucks, he thinks, are the ultimate in vehicle mode superiority. And he's just found one that rivets utility, durability and performance together in one mean Decepticon - smashing package!

Transforms from Topkick mode to robot. 6" scale.


Jango Fett (Transformers)
A man of great skill and greater secrecy, Jango Fett is the fastest, smartest and most dangerous bounty hunter known. Even the Jedi have reason to fear him. Using a new shape-shifting technology, Fett can morph into Slave 1 mode to track his prey anywhere in the galaxy, then morph back to bounty hunter mode and thake them down. Converts from Slave 1 mode to ultimate bounty hunter. Includes missile-launching jet backpack, 2 blaster pistols and mini Jango Fett pilot figure.
Jazz (Commemorative Series III)
Autobot Jazz has a quick mind and a strong thirst for knowledge. In terrestrial operations, his insider understanding of Earth culture makes him the right hand man of Optimus Prime. Takes the riskiest missions and completes them with confidence and flair. Equipped with a photon rifle, flame-thrower, full-spectrum beacon and 180db stereo speakers, he dazzles and disorients with spectacular sound and light displays. Clever, cool, and extremely adaptable, but prone to distraction.
Jazz (Heroes of Cybertron)
Collect all 6 (Autobot Espionage Team, Dirge, Wheeljack, Jazz, Perceptor and Gigatron) to build Fortress Maximus!
Jetfire (Classic Voyager)
Victory lies in the conquest of unknown mysteries. Jetfire was once famous across the face of Cybertron. As a great scientist and explorer, he was the first to journey to the black depths of deep space, and the only one to ever face and defeat the Star pirates of the Blot Nebula. It was because of his status as a hero that his sudden disappearance was greeted with worldwide dismay. He was discovered millions of years later, frozen deep within the Arctic glacier on Earth, and rose immediately to the challenge presented by the Decepticons. He is among the mightiest and bravest of the Autobots, diving into battle without a moments' hesitation, the stuttering roar of his particle beam repeaters drowning out all other sounds.

Autobot Air Guardian features removable helmet, booster unit that becomes a backpack, rotating laser cannons and arm blasters that fire two projectiles.

Jetfire (Leader Class)
JETFIRE grew tired of war a long time ago. The reckless ambition of the DECEPTICONS, and the senseless violence of their war sickened him, and so he left CYBERTRON to go into hiding. The form he eventually chose on Earth seemed appropriate for one who wished to remain unseen. He slumbered in peace for years. Now, reawakened by the arrival of the war on Earth, he decides once again to enter the fight – this time on the side of the AUTOBOTS, and this time to end it for good, whatever the cost.

Prepare for battle with this AUTOBOT warrior by your side! In robot mode, this mighty ally features electronic speech and light-up eyes and chest that are sure to discourage enemy attackers! This good guy is ready to take on DECEPTICON forces once and for all! In SR-71 Blackbird jet mode, get in gear with combat and cool conversion sounds that let you know this hero means business! MECH ALIVE gearing reveals moving armor panels and internal gears that let you recreate some of your favorite movie scenes – or create your own! Team up with this awesome ally and roll out!

Awesome robot-to-vehicle figure features electronic speech, light-up eyes and chest and MECH ALIVE gearing that reveals moving armor panels and internal gears! Jet combat and automatic conversion sounds in SR-71 Blackbird jet mode! Includes 2 “AA” POWRFUEL batteries. 6" scale.

Jetfire (Titanium)
$89.99 $99.99
Includes display stand.
Jetstorm (Ultra Class)
Jetstorm believes that if he has to get in a fight, he might as well fight dirty. He's spent ages perfecting his fighting style, studying all the cheapest places to blast or stab another robot. He's not the strongest of most dangerous fighter among the Decepticons, but most Autobots would rather go up against anyone else. When Jetstorm fights, he fights to win at all costs, so he does everything he can to hurt his opponent as bad as possible. Even when he loses, it's very rare that his enemies don't go away with shattered optics or limbs damaged beyond repair.

Features firing projectile blasters, flip-up rocket boosters and electronic lights & sounds. Requires 3 A76 or LR44 alkaline batteries, included.

Jolt (Deluxe Class)
Shortly after the final battle for the AllSpark, Jolt sought out Barricade for advice. Brought to life by the energy bursts thrown off the AllSpark during the fight, he wanted to learn the finer points of lying and trashing stuff. After Barricade was done beating on him, Decepticon Frenzy made fun of him for a while, and slashed his tires. That was his first and only lesson, and he took it to heart.

Features blaster with firing projectile.

Jungle Bonecrusher (Deluxe Class)
Barely functional after his battle with OPTIMUS PRIME, BONECRUSHER crawled away from the scene of his defeat and hid. Effecting what few repairs he could on his own, he also removed his locater beacon and communications hardware, cutting himself off entirely from the other surviving DECEPTICONS. Fleeing south, farther and farther, he eventually found himself deep in the jungles of South America. Hidden in the most remote area on Earth, he is free to indulge his rage on the rain forest without interruption.

Convert this menacing DECEPTICON warrior from robot mode with spinning blades to a mission-ready Buffalo MPCV in vehicle mode and let the battle begin!

Landmine (Movie Deluxe)
Brought to life by the AllSpark pulsewave released during the final battle against MEGATRON, LANDMINE is still learning what it means to be an AUTOBOT. He is content, however, to continue his work with the humans of Sector 7, even while IRONHIDE trains him in the finer points of robot combat. He enjoys the excitement and intrigue of working as an agent in a super-secret organization. Knowing that what he does not only keeps the humans safe, but also protects his fellow AUTOBOTS brings him great gratification. Convert this AUTOBOT figure from menacing robot mode to dune buggy vehicle mode and back again! It comes with a cryo-shock rifle that can be posed in the robot’s hand or mounted on the dune buggy’s roof! The dune buggy mode also features working shocks for chasing down wayward enemies! Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features a cryo-shock rifle that can be held in robot mode or mounted on the roof in dune buggy mode!
Leadfoot and Ironhide (Target Exclusive)
Ironhide (3.5" tall) and Leadfoot (3" tall) share a passion for big, loud weapons. Both robots aren't happy with a cannon unless the bang is a big as the explosion it generates. The two make a highly destructive pair, with Ironhide coming up with ever more dangerous concepts and Leadfoot building them in record time.

Leo Prime (Voyager Class, Target Exclusive)
Exciting robot-to-beast figure converts from robot mode with a jungle "whip" to ferocious lion beast mode with key-activated snap-out robo shredder claws. Figure comes with key to activate features. LEO PRIME is a career soldier, commander of an elite MAXIMAL Black Ops unit designated The Pack. LEO PRIME and his comrades in the pack travel wherever trouble is thickest, often working undercover to deal crippling blows to PREDACON plots.
Longarm just wants to help. Whether it's hauling a stuck car out of a ditch or providing covering fire for a flanking action, as long as he's providing assistance to others you'll see a big grin on his face. That is, after all, what being an Autobot is all about - helping, saving, protecting. He just doesn't get the Decepticons. They all seem so selfish. It doesn't make sense to him why anyone would want to live like that. It would be so tiring to be so mean all the time.

Features quagma cannon with firing missile.

Longview (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! LONGVIEW is impossible to surprise. It’s not only because his vision is so incredible either; thanks to highly sophisticated quantum processors he can predict every possible outcome of any action within seconds. If he can see you, he knows what you’re going to do even before you do. It’s his job to keep an eye on the DECEPTICONS and let OPTIMUS PRIME and the others know what they’re planning.

Convert this AUTOBOT figure from robot to a pair of binoculars and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not working binoculars.

Luke Skywalker Snowspeeder (Transformers)
Faced with the nearly unstoppable onslaught of the Imperial AT-AT walkers, Luke Skywalker leads the fight to defend Echo Base in this modified T-47 snowspeeder. When blasters prove ineffective against the mighty AT-AT armor plating, he uses the power of the Force to morph into an incredible combat robot, and takes on the walkers toe to toe!

Whether in Snowspeeder vehicle mode with its launching missiles, or in Luke Skywalker robot mode with lightsaber firmly in hand, this figure is ready to do battle. Bring home the power of the Force and help defend the galaxy with this incredible figure!

Figure comes with 2 missile launchers, lightsaber and mini Luke Skywalker pilot figure.

Luke Skywalker X-wing Fighter (Transformers)
In order to bring balance back to the Force, Luke Skywalker must confront and defeat Darth Vader. Using his attunement with the Force, Luke changes into X-wing fighter mode and travels across the galaxy to face his foe. Using proton torpedoes and a barrage of missiles, Luke battles Imperial fighters and ruthless bounty hunters as he embarks on his quest to confront his destiny. Converts from X-wing fighter mode to brave Jedi Knight. Includes 4 launching projectile missiles.
Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter (Transformers)
$24.99 $32.99
Mace Windu is a man of peace, but he doesn’t hesitate to fire up his starfighter when the galaxy spirals into war. Flying his Jedi starfighter, Windu races to help his fellow Jedi who are under attack in the Jedi Temple. When he arrives, he morphs his starfighter into a robotic Jedi warrior and storms into battle!

Modeled after the one-person fighter vehicle piloted by the notorious Jedi, Mace Windu, this fierce fighting machine is now a mode-changing figure that’s full of surprises! Convert this Jedi starfighter into a Mace Windu figure and back again! Vehicle mode features two projectile launchers and a Mace Windu figure that fits inside.

Magnaguard to Magnaguard Starfighter (Transformers Crossovers)
A MagnaGuard droid flies with General Grievous to meet with a planet that wants to join the Separatists. When the general and his bodyguard arrive, they discover it's a trap set by Republic forces. The MagnaGuard quickly morphs his ship into mech mode and blasts the enemy with cannon fire!

Converts from Starfighter mode to mech mode and includes 2 launching projectiles.

Masterpiece Rodimus Prime (Toys R Us Exclusive)
Before the coming of Unicron, Rodimus was already a talented warrior, recognized by his comrades for his potential and his lack of patience. When he became Rodimus Prime, he immediately set out to lead from the front. He was always the first on the battlefield, and the last off, thrusting himself into the deepest danger rather than asking any of the robots under his command to sacrifice themselves.

9" tall Rodimus converts to Rodimus Prime.

Matrix of Leadership fits in chest.

Blasters combine into battle rifle.

Includes interchangeable tools.

Includes 2.75" tall limited edition Offshoot that converts into weapon and mounts on Rodimus in vehicle mode.


Masterpiece Skywarp
Skywarp appears once again, reproduced in near-perfect detail. He is a cheap and dirty thug who takes simple joy in catching friend and foe alike unaware. Though he's too lazy to be an effective warrior without direct supervision, he puts immeasurable effort into planning the pranks he pulls on whichever unfortunate target wanders into his sensor net. He's rather lounge around on the airstrip than fight, but he's always ready to slash a few tires.

Highly articulated, poseable and has amazing detail. Transforms into fighter jet. Includes display stand. Features opening canopy, swing open nosecone, hidden missile pods, adjustable thrust vector, and two different heads.

Megatron (3.5" Movie Legends)
Converts from robot mode to Jet mode.
Megatron (Classic)
Lesser creatures are the playthings of my will. MEGATRON is the most feared and powerful leader in the history of Cybertron. His might is legendary, and his name is spoken only in whispers. He will stop at nothing in his drive to conquer the universe. So great is his will to power that even his own followers are little more to him than fuel for his war machine, and his enemies are less than the dust he grinds beneath his heel. He is always at the front of any DECEPTICON charge, soaring into the sky and vaporizing enemy positions with his antiproton pulse cannon. The mere sight of his snarling face is enough to break the spirit of many an Autobot. Converts from fusion blaster to Decepticon supreme commander. Features include cylinder which becomes wings and working scope which becomes an anti-proton pulse cannon.
Megatron (Heroes of Cybertron)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs card!
Megatron (Movie Leader)
Hidden among us, alien machines of incredible power fight their ancient battle for the AllSpark. They are. . .THE TRANSFORMERS! Frozen in Antarctic ice for hundreds of years, MEGATRON is finally free, and his might will make the Earth quake, the stars fall from the sky, and the very pillars of heaven shake. As the most dangerous TRANSFORMERS robot ever to stalk the galaxy, he has no known weaknesses and only one purpose – to capture the AllSpark and rule the Universe. Nothing – neither the humans' armies or his ancient enemy OPTIMUS PRIME can stand in his way!

Get ready to rule the universe with this awesome MEGATRON figure that features Advanced AUTOMORPH Technology! This TRANSFORMERS technology is designed to enhance vehicle-to-robot conversion with partially animated mechanical triggers that activate the final shift to battle mode. See armor slide to protect vital points! This automatic conversion triggers lights and sounds. Robot mode also features a launching rocket claw that becomes a chain whip, and arms that combine to create a fusion cannon! CYBERTRON jet vehicle mode has electronic horn sounds and lights that add to the excitement!

12" tall.

Megatron Titanium Series Die Cast
Converts from robot to vehicle and includes a display stand.
Metroplex & Autobot Scamper (Generations Titan Class)
The most vast and mighty Autobot ever created, Metroplex is a member of a race long thought of as nothing more than legend. He is impossibly ancient, brought online in a time before the long memory of his Autobot comrades even began. He is a living artifact of an era when Cybertron was united, and needed defenders only against hostile outsiders. It is his memory of that peaceful past that drives him to fight for the Autobots. It is hope for the return of peace that motivates him to crush every Decepticon he can see beneath his mighty feet. The biggest Autobot ever is over 2 feet tall and he's going to crush his Decepticon foes! This enormous 3-in-1 Metroplex figure's glowing eyes and mouth and chomping jaw will make even the fiercest Decepticon think twice about taking him on. His lights and sounds make the action even more intense! In robot mode his firing missile will take them down, and he converts to battle vehicle mode when he needs some enormous firepower! He even converts to fortified city mode for massive adventures! He comes with a Scamper Legends figure to fight at his side. Make your Transformers adventures gigantic with this awesome Metroplex figure! 2-foot-tall Metroplex figure is the biggest Autobot ever! 3-in-1 figure converts from robot mode to vehicle mode to city mode! Glowing eyes and mouth and chomping jaw! Lights and sounds! Firing missile! Comes with Scamper Legends figure. Includes 2 figures, missile and instructions.

Ages 5 and up. Includes 2 "A76" batteries.

Millennium Falcon (Transformers)
Han Solo and his first mate, Chewbacca, have really done it this time! After making the Kessel Run in the Millennium Falcon in just under twelve parsecs, an Imperial spy on the Garrison Moon alerts the Empire to their presence. Han and Chewie are determined not to give up without a fight. Using a new modification technology, Han morphs the Falcon into mech mode as a Star Destroyer approaches. The Falcon suddenly splits into two heavily armed attack robots! The Imperial ship is rocked with a barrage of missile fire. Although she may not look like much of a threat, the Millennium Falcon sure does pack a solid one-two punch of speed and power! Features front light-up lasers, rear light-up thrusters, bowcaster, launching projectile, top cannon and sounds & phrases from the movie. 2 pilot figures fit inside cockpit.
Mirage & Starscream (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy's greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With incredible ability to change into everyday objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES figures are more than meets the eye!

Two-pack of chunky, collectible figures includes MIRAGE and STARSCREAM figures – both in robot mode!

Note: Product does not convert.

Mudflap (Movie Voyager)
$31.99 $42.99
This MUDFLAP concept began with the name SAWTOOTH and an abandoned redeco color scheme from the TRANSFORMERS: CYBERTRON line. The name was unfortunately unavailable, and the concept colors weren’t convincingly realistic for a modern construction vehicle. Although a DECEPTICON, the inspiration for his construction-yellow and bone-white colors came from the G1 Micromaster AUTOBOT crane Erector.
Nebular Starscream
On Cybertron tattoos are more than mere decoration. They can be packed with super conductive materials and symbiotic nano-machines to enhance a robot's sensors and strengthen his weapons. Starscream designed his tattoos to help him locate the fragments of the AllSpark, as well as extend his range and power in the air. When his new sensor net detects any ancient artifact from Cybertron, they glow softly, charging his weapons and boosting his engine output.

MechAlive Decepticon features pop-out missile launchers with 2 firing missiles. 6" scale.

Nightwatch Optimus Prime (Leader Class)
Optimus Prime prefers a straight forward battle, in which opponents can look one another in the eye and know that what they do is for real and forever, as adversaries should. When fighting an enemy like the Decepticons however, he knows that more subtle tactics are often called for. Using the new powers granted him by the infusion of AllSpark energy, he is ready for even the stealthiest mission. The darker colors are sensor transparent, letting his slip in unseen, often even directly under guards. New servos in his joints move him silently across the ground, and AllSpark powered punches let him take out enemy troops without a single pulse from his Ion blaster.

Features flip down Ion blaster that launches a missile, and electronic horn and lights.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Starfighter (Transformers)
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has a bad feeling about this. His mission is to track down and eliminate General Grievous, the much-feared leader of the Separatist droid army. Obi-Wan summons the Force to change into Jedi fighter mode and flies across the galaxy to battle his enemy in a duel for the ages! Converts from Jedi Starfighter mode to fearless Jedi Master. Features 2 launching projectile lightsabers, spin disk and mini Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Obi-Wan Kenobi to Jedi Starfighter (Transformers Crossovers)
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has a bad feeling about this. His mission is to track down and eliminate General Grievous, the much-feared leader of the Separatist droid army. Obi-Wan summons the Force to change into Jedi fighter mode and flies across the galaxy to battle his enemy in a duel for the ages!

Get twice the out-of-this-world excitement with this fun two-mode figure! Convert from Obi-Wan Kenobi figure mech mode to Jedi Starfighter vehicle mode and fire his two launching projectile lightsaber accessories. No matter which mode you choose, you'll be ready to bring the galactic battle to a living room near you!

Offroad Ironhide (Movie Voyager)
Infused with the power of the AllSpark, this old warrior feels like he just rolled off the production line. It's great to feel young again, and with the war over Ironhide feels free to indulge his wild side in the mountains and deserts of Earth. Together with his new human friends, he's having the time of his life conquering the most challenging trails on the planet, from Death Valley to the darkest Amazon basin. Of course, if something gets in his way he can't drive over, well, he can just blast his way through it with his newly supercharged weapons systems. No one said the end of war meant he never got to blow stuff up again.

Features quad-missile cannon fires 4 projectiles.

Optimash Prime
The wacky potato is up to his usual antics, this time disguised as the fearless AUTOBOTS leader! He and his faction of taters are battling the evil DECEPTICONS. Starchy situations call for a quick change – from truck to robot! No ordinary fries, these are POTATOES IN DISGUISE!

Mix and match all the pieces to create all sorts of wacky looks! Potato body comes with mix and match OPTIMASH PRIME and potato parts.

Optimus Minor
Due to Megatron's rash cloning experiments, the Maximals are joined by another new ally; Optimus Minor is a cybernetically-enhanced monkey with unparalleled speed and agility. Possessing superior balance and climbing abilities, this highly intelligent cyber-primate must learn to control hostile instincts- a side-effect of Megatron's experiments- and a ferocious advantage in battle. The Predacons learned quickly that Optimus Minor's presence is no laughing matter. 6" scale.
Optimus Prime & Bumblebee (Titanium Series Die-Cast)
It is rare that OPTIMUS PRIME openly expresses the pride he feels in his AUTOBOTS. He honestly believes, however, that no commander could ask for a better, more committed group of heroes, and he counts BUMBLEBEE among the first and foremost. While the smaller robot brings neither heavy firepower nor martial skill, no AUTOBOT is more courageous. OPTIMUS PRIME hats to think of the many battles that would have been lost were it not for the skill and determination of his spy and infiltrator. He feels an almost fatherly affection for the eager BUMBLEBEE, and will do everything in his power to protect him.

Collectible two-pack of poseable, die-cast metal figures feature a super-metal finish and come with display stands!

Optimus Prime & Ravage (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy’s greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With incredible ability to change into everyday objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES figures are MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!

Two-pack of chunky, collectible figures includes an OPTIMUS PRIME figure in robot mode and a RAVAGE figure in beast mode!

Note: 2" scale figures do not convert.

Optimus Prime (20th Anniversary DVD Edition)
Features diecast construction, highy articulated and poseable, changes from truck to robot and back, and includes an electronic Autobot display stand that plays sounds and phrases from the classic animated adventure. Also includes ion blaster, spring-loaded suspension, Autobot Matrix of Leadership, light-up Matrix chamber, flip-out Datacom interface, Energon Axe and Megatron pistol. Requires 3 AA batteries, included. DVD is not included.
Optimus Prime (20th Anniversary)
Freedom is the right of all sentient beings... That quote is what makes Optimus Prime the most fearless and revered of all Autobot leaders throughout time. As keeper of the awesome Autobot Matrix of Leadership, he is an eternal symbol of hope in the battle for peace in the universe. Optimus Prime is the protector of all life and the embodiment of wisdom, courage, and the unquenchable spark of true heroism. Even in the face of the harshest odds, his Autobot comrades draw strength and inspiration from his selfless acts of valor as he leads them on the path to victory against the evil Decepticon forces. Optimus Prime leaps into battle with his arch enemy, Megatron, equipped with the massively powerful Ion Blaster, highly advanced communication, interception and defense technologies, and the ability to retract his hand and replace it with a deadly Energon Axe.
Optimus Prime (Commemorative Series I)
Optimus Prime is the strong, wise and compassionate leader of the Autobots. Dedicated to protecting all life, he fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Firmly believes in the ultimate righteousness of his mission, so he will willingly sacrifice himself to save the lives of others. Carries a blaster rifle as well as the Autbot Matrix of Leadership, an honor bestowed millions of years before his joruney to Earth. A seasoned veteran and scholar, Optimus Prime is respected throughout the universe as a champion of peace. Includes Optimus Prime truck cab, semi-trailer, 6-wheeled vehicle, 2 fists, laser blaster, pistol, 4 rockets, gas pump handle with hose, and instruction sheet.
Optimus Prime (Commemorative Series I, UK box)
Optimus Prime is the strong, wise and compassionate leader of the Autobots. Dedicated to protecting all life, he fights unceasingly to defeat the Decepticons. Firmly believes in the ultimate righteousness of his mission, so he will willingly sacrifice himself to save the lives of others. Carries a blaster rifle as well as the Autbot Matrix of Leadership, an honor bestowed millions of years before his joruney to Earth. A seasoned veteran and scholar, Optimus Prime is respected throughout the universe as a champion of peace. Includes Optimus Prime truck cab, semi-trailer, 6-wheeled vehicle, 2 fists, laser blaster, pistol, 4 rockets, gas pump handle with hose, and instruction sheet. This is the same figure as the US version, only in a tri-lingual box.
Optimus Prime (Cyber Slammers)
$12.99 $17.99
Team up with the heroic AUTOBOT character as you pretend to battle the evil DECEPTICONS for the All Spark! Slam this robot down and watch it go in full vehicle mode. As it rolls along, the robot pops up!
Optimus Prime (Cyber Stompin')
The greatest hero in the universe is here and ready for action. Huge and powerful, OPTIMUS PRIME is ready to battle MEGATRON and the evil DECEPTICONS to the finish. With some of the most incredible battle technology the world has ever seen, nothing can stop OPTIMUS PRIME!

This tough, posable action figure features CYBER STOMPIN' action – every step triggers electronic crashing and crushing sounds! Other cool features include battle sounds and speech, laser blasting lights and sounds, light-up eyes, a targeting scope and a launching robot fist! "It's time to stomp some DECEPTICONS!" with this awesome figure!

Note: Figure does not convert. 11" tall.

Optimus Prime (Heroes of Cybertron)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs card!
Optimus Prime (Leader Class, 2009)
OPTIMUS PRIME is under no illusions about how dangerous STARSCREAM really is. The DECEPTICON second-in-command might be a coward, but he's still smart and powerful enough to present a real threat to Earth. The AUTOBOT leader has human and AUTOBOT agents combing the globe for the hiding air warrior. As soon as they find him, though, it will be OPTIMUS PRIME alone who goes in to bring him down.

Pump up the volume in your robot battles with this electronic robot figure and his exciting sounds! His light-up eyes and chest will warn enemies away, but his engine revving and truck racing sounds sounds, automatic conversion sounds and cool character phrases are sure to send them running! If a few are brave enough to stick around and take on this hero, activate his snap-out battle hook accessories to show them he means business. Then, take the battle to a whole other level and convert him into truck vehicle mode so he can take the fight to the mean streets!

Robot figure converts to truck vehicle mode - and back again!

Includes 2 "AA" batteries. 11" scale.


Optimus Prime (Movie Leader)
For thousands of years, OPTIMUS PRIME and his AUTOBOTS have traveled through space in search of the Allspark. For all that time, the AUTOBOT leader has held one goal in mind – to protect the universe from the evil of MEGATRON. For this massive, metal warrior, nothing is more important than freedom; he will sacrifice all for its preservation. He has fought for centuries, modifying his body into an unstoppable war machine, preparing for that day he knows is coming when he and MEGATRON meet for one final battle!

Get ready to rule the universe with this awesome OPTIMUS PRIME figure that features Advanced AUTOMORPH Technology! This TRANSFORMERS technology is designed to enhance vehicle-to-robot conversion with partially animated mechanical triggers that activate the final shift to battle mode. See armor slide to protect vital points! Flip down the Ion Blaster in robot mode to launch the projectile! And press the button in vehicle mode for electronic horn sounds and lights!

10" tall, requires 2 AA Batteries.

Optimus Prime (Movie Preview)
Summoned by a signal from one of his bravest warriors, OPTIMUS PRIME thunders down through the space above Earth and races into battle, his PROTOFORM body tracing a fiery path across the sky. Most powerful among the AUTOBOTS, he is dedicated to the recovery of the Allspark, and the protection of both humans on Earth and his own people back on CYBERTRON. Scanning an Earth truck, he morphs into a form that will allow him to hide until the time comes to enter battle against MEGATRON!

Change this convertible TRANSFORMERS figure from robot mode to entry mode, and back again!

Optimus Prime (Revenge of The Fallen, Leader Class)
With the destruction of MEGATRON, OPTIMUS PRIME thought that he was finally, after millions of years, at peace. Little did he know that the escape of STARSCREAM would draw dozens of new DECEPTICONS to Earth. The desire that burns brightest in his Spark is that the war will soon end. He is determined to see that end come, and so he works with his human comrades and the other AUTOBOTS to hunt the DECEPTICONS that have come to Earth, and destroy them, one by one.

Prepare for battle with this AUTOBOT leader by your side! In robot mode, this mighty warrior features electronic speech and light-up eyes and chest that are sure to discourage enemy attackers! With snap-out energy swords, this good guy is ready to take on DECEPTICON forces once and for all! In tough truck mode, get in gear with engine revving and racing sounds and cool conversion sounds that let you know this hero means business! MECH ALIVE gearing reveals moving armor panels and internal gears that let you recreate some of your favorite movie scenes – or create your own! Team up with this awesome ally and roll out!

Includes 2 “AA” POWRFUEL batteries. 6" scale.

Optimus Prime (Robots In Disguise)
Features electronic lights and sounds. Converts from fire truck to robot. Combines with Ultra Magnus to create Omega Prime. Requires 2 "AA" batteries, not included.
Optimus Prime (Transformers Armada)
When you change the truck cab to a robot, the trailer automatically opens into a base station-all by itself! Create a super robot! When you change the truck cab into the torso of the super robot, the trailer automatically raises up to become the legs-all by itself!
Optimus Prime 2 Titanium Series Die Cast
Chosen by the Matrix to lead the Autobots on their mission to Earth, Optimus Prime is the very embodiment of all that every Autobot strives to be. He is the soul of honor and compassion, dedicated to the preservation of life and freedom for all creatures. His affection for those he protects is matched only by his ferocity in battle. He has faced them many times, and knows that there can be no surrender and no compromise with the treacherous Predacons.

In addition to being an ideal leader, he is a war machine of incredible power. Nearly unbeatable in single combat, his enemies have resorted to an endless string of dirty tricks to lay him low, only to see him rebound every time, stronger than ever before. His strength and confidence, however, hide a deeply reflective spirit. During solitary moments, he has been known to doubt his skill as a leader, for his deep compassion has - at time - clouded his judgement. Thankfully, his brilliant mind and the dedication of his compatriots have always manged to snatch victory from the evil claws of the Predacons.

Features hidden arm blasters and converts from robot to fire truck. Combines with his brother Ultra Magnus to form Omega Prime.

Optimus Prime Classic Voyager
No sacrifice is too great in the service of freedom. The greatest in a long line of AUTOBOT leaders, OPTIMUS PRIME is a beacon of hope to those who suffer under the tyranny of MEGATRON. He is devoted to the defense of weaker creatures, and has dedicated his life to fighting against MEGATRON wherever he goes. He is unwavering in his compassion, which sometimes allows his enemies to take advantage of him, but he is also utterly without fear in the face of overwhelming odds. Where freedom is threatened, he is an unstoppable force, and a mighty defender of justice and right. Converts from tractor trailer to Autobot leader. 8" tall Optimus features smokestacks that become a laser cannon and wind vane that becomes an ion blaster.
Optimus Prime Titanium Series Die Cast
Converts from robot to vehicle and includes a display stand.
Optimus Prime vs. Megatron (War Within Titanium Die-Cast)
Deep within CYBERTRON, in chambers long lost and longer forgotten, two of the mightiest warriors the universe has ever seen battle for supremacy in a struggle that will forever define the future. One is a leader newly made, a simple archivist infused with the power of the Matrix and pushed unwilling into greatness. The other is an ancient warrior, washed in the oil of fallen foes, whose plans have been years in the making.

Here, at the very heart of their home world, the power of the Matrix flares into life as none before have witnessed, and both warriors are given a glimpse of what will be. They see themselves, ages hence, locked in a strange echo of their current struggle. They see the wasteland their war will make of their world, and the long chain of Sparkless shells in their wake. They see the shape of things to come and know that what they fight for is not just victory but the future itself.

Collectible two-pack of poseable, die-cast metal figures feature robot-to-vehicle conversion, and come with a shield and a variant-cover War Within comic!

Optimus Prime with bonus Comettor (Walmart Exclusive)
Optimus Prime and Comettor partner up for lunar battles. Quick, agile and tough, Comettor is specially engineered for ultimate performance on the harsh lunar surface. His high-caliber compressed Energon cannon easily breaks through Decepticon fortifications, allowing Optimus Prime and his Autobot soldiers to roll in with the heavy weaponry.

Optimus Prime (7" tall) features Energon battle hooks and smokestacks that convert to cannons.

Deluxe Class Comettor features Energon assault cannon.


Optimus Prime: Leader for the Ages 2-pack
OPTIMUS PRIME is the greatest leader the AUTOBOTS have ever known. For millions of years, he has led them with courage, honesty, and conviction, never losing sight of his ultimate goal – freedom for all, and peace in the universe. Across generations and in dozens of different forms, he has served as role model and example to young and old. As true a hero as has ever walked the Earth, he is a guiding light to all those who hold truth and justice dear.

It’s the AUTOBOTS leader, then and now. Honor this robot hero’s retro styling with the 1984 figure, complete with power-punch action in robot mode! The 2007 version has an updated monster look with flame paint details in truck mode and a launching power-hook projectile in robot mode! Bring peace to the universe – or at least your bedroom! – with this awesome two-pack of OPTIMUS PRIME figures.

Paradron Medic (Autobot)
Generation One Collection. Classic character features poseable interchangeable parts and tech specs on card.
Two things are crucial to maintaining the Decepticon cause and the hunt for the AllSpark - energy and currency. Energy powers weapons and combat systems, and money allows the Decepticons to purchase modifactions and integrate them into their bodies. Payload is tasked with seeing that Decepticon forces in need of either commodity get it on time and in full. He's armored and armed to plow through or destroy any Autobots that get in his way, and fast enough to outrun almost anything on the road.

Features autormorph attack claw.

Perceptor (Commemorative Edition)
One's ultimate truth lies in one's molecular structure.

Unquenchable thirst for knowledge; seeks it to exclusion of all else. Main role is to study the best ways the Autobots can adapt to Earth. Extremely smart. Scientific specialties are metallurgy, molecular chemistry, electrical engineering. As microscope, capable of powerful magnification. Lens barrel converts into powerful light cannon. Carries concussion rifle in robot mode. Absent minded. Lenses are his weakest part.

Plasma Punch Bumblebee (Fast Action Battlers)
Hidden among us, alien machines with the awesome ability to change from one form to another fight their ancient battle for the AllSpark. They are. . .THE TRANSFORMERS! BUMBLEBEE is the first on the ground wherever the AUTOBOTS go. Scouting out the battlefield and spying on the DECEPTICONS are his specialties. Totally fearless, and super sneaky, bad guys never notice BUMBLEBEE until they feel the power of his Plasma Punch!

Awesome quick-change figure converts from robot mode to Camaro® concept vehicle mode and back again! Robot mode features a launching plasma bolt projectile!

Power Up VT6 (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! As dangerous as he is slick looking, POWER UP VT6 is a master of manipulation. Able to connect to any data source within range, he specializes in deleting important information. Few DECEPTICONS are as frustrating to have around. Be careful when interacting with him; special receptors in his screen can scramble your brain right through your eyeballs.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from robot to handheld video game and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not a working video game.

Powerlinx Optimus Prime (Transformers Armada)
The trailer automatically opens into a base station. When you change the truck cab into the torso of the super robot, the trailer automatically raises up to become the legs - all by itself. Features electronic lights and sounds, and includes Corona Sparkplug Mini-Con action figure. 6" scale.
Powermaster Optimus Prime (Apex Armor)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs card!
Powermaster Optimus Prime (Commemorative Series II with Apex Armor)
Optimus Prime is a gentle intellectual and a quiet commander until the Decepticons attack. He then becomes a fierce warrior whose bravery is second to none. Well-versed in various Cybertronian martial arts. Willing to stand fast as the ultimate defender against destruction and invasion. Extremely dexterous in battle. Brandishes a super rifle and particle beam cannon. Apex Armor is formed by combining binary-bonded Optimus Prime with his trailer and armored roller drone.
Powermaster Optimus Prime (Spark Attack)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs card! 3.75" scale.
Predacon (Transformers Armada)
Features detachable, flexible tail that becomes a weapon and includes Side Burn and Skid-z mini-con figures that attach for battle mode. 6" scale.
Prowl (Commemorative Series IV)
Prowl is a clear thinker who is able to see beyond the chaos of battle and discover the rational route to victory. His logic center is the most sophisticated in the Autobot army, capable of analyzing complex combat situiations and making strategic decisions almost instantaneously. Only drawback: unexpected events have been known to scramble his circuits. Launches powerful wire-guided missiles and high-corrosive acid pellets. "Logic is the ultimate weapon."
Prowl (Robots In Disguise)
Prowl cruises the streets searching for enemy activity. His ultra-sensitive radars can detect the hum of a circuit from the other side of town. And once he locates them, they had better start running before he takes aim with his advanced weaponry. He can sabotage Decepticon plots with his electronic systems for jamming radios or hacking into systems.

"You can run but you can't hide!"

Prowl with Acid Blasters (Transformers Universe)
As the right hand man to Optimus Prime, Prowl is right at home in the new Decepticon armies. Confused Autobots are scattered across the universe, easy pickings for the gangs of more organized Decepticons. As a dedicated administrator and logician, Prowl feels it is his duty to whip them into shape, and get them ready for a fight. It's only a matter of time until the Decepticons get themselves a real leader, and the Autobots need to be ready.

Includes blaster.

Race Car Iron Man (Transformers Crossovers, Iron Man 2)
Not every battle Iron Man fights takes place in the sky. Sometimes, speed and power on the ground are just as important as they are in the air. That's when Iron Man puts on this specialized suit of converting armor. Designed to outrun anything on the road, it can quickly change to a massive, powerful battle suit to blast enemy drones to pieces.

This mighty figure is twice the trouble for any enemy that tries to take him on! In his mech mode, your "iron-clad" Iron Man figure is ready and willing to pummel his opponents with his massive "strength". When it's time to shake up the battle a little, convert him to his fast-moving race car vehicle mode and flip out his cannon accessories to give the bad guys a high-speed chase they won't forget!

Thrilling figure converts from hero mech mode to speed demon race car vehicle mode with flip-out cannon accessories -- and back again! 6" scale.

Rally Rocket Bumblebee (Fast Action Battlers)
$15.99 $21.99
With most of the Decepticons taken care of, Bumblebee is ready to enjoy himself. The best way he can think of to do that is to show his human friends a thing or two on the race track. With his engine tuned and his new paint sparkling in the sun, he's ready for anything the other racers can think of. And if the Decepticons decide to attack, well, he's keeping his plasma cannon polished just for them.

Features launching plasma rocket.

Ramjet (Classic)
There ain't nothin' around harder than my head. The Decepticons are known for fielding their craziest warriors in the skies, but Ramjet really outclasses them all. He's a born flier who loves nothing more than crashing. Sure, he's got a whole rack of concussion missiles and argon lasers strong enough to vaporize a Dinobot, but he'd rather skip all that nonsense and just smash head first into his targets - and anything else that gets in his way. He's just as likely to smash his allies out of the way as he is to destroy any Autobots in his path, but watching him plow through a battlefield is so fun Megatron keeps him around anyway.

5" tall Ramjet features twin laser cannons with firing projectiles and flip down landing gear.

Ramjet (Voyager Class, Walmart Exclusive)
$44.99 $49.99
Ramjet isn't terribly smart, but he is crazy and violent, which is just the way Megatron likes him. Most Decepticons are pretty grim, going about their dirty business in plodding silence. Not Ramjet. He begins to cackle madly as soon as the first laser burst of a battle crackles through the air, and he doesn't stop until the battle is through. He's known across the galaxy for skipping ranged fighting and diving directly towards his opponents, hoping to ram them. Most of his battles end with his enemies driven into the ground, and his head badly dented.

Includes 6 firing missiles and limited edition collector card.

Approximately 8" scale in robot mode.

Rampage (Revenge of the Fallen)
The stink of diesel fumes and hot tar follows RAMPAGE wherever he goes. His treads are packed with metal shards stripped from his victims, and the countless scratches covering his chassis are testament to hundreds of brutal battles. He lives to pound his enemies into submission, and thinks of little else. His idea of beauty is the sight of sun glinting off the raw edges of shredded AUTOBOT armor. Team up with this devilish-looking DECEPTICON warrior and get ready to take on AUTOBOT forces! In attack mode, this 4-legged robot figure’s treads become whips – ready to swing into battle! Then, with a few twists and turns, change the robot figure to jackhammer mode and check out the moving pistons! Finally, gear up for a serious ground attack when you unleash a bulldozer mode that’s ready to flatten the competition! 6" tall.
Rattrap (WalMart Exclusive)
Following the quantum surge, Rattrap gained the advantage of a meched-out armor shell and a swift dragster vehicle mode. A top-notch soldier, his fellow Maximals rely on his reconnaissance reports to locate enemy outposts. The new hot rod mode has increased his speed and agility on the battlefield, and a powerful, battle-whip blade that he wields while in robot mode has made him a powerful adversary on the battlefield. 6" scale.
Recon Barricade
Now that the AllSpark has been located, and Megatron freed, it comes time for the Decepticons to infiltrate the human installation guarding their goal. As always, Barricade and Decepticon Frenzy lead the charge. Disguised as local security, Barricade gazes hungrily at the fragility of the structure and the destructive power of the millions of gallons of water trapped behind it. Just one missile, he thinks, could unleash a storm of destruction unlike anything he's ever seen.

Features spring-loaded punch attack and includes Decepticon Frenzy that ejects from chest.

Red Alert (Commemorative Series IV)
No detail, no matter how small, escapes the vigilance of Red Alert. This edgy Autobot assumes trouble is coming any time his exceptional sensors are activated. His ability to trigger alarms in his comrades often makes him unpopular despite their respect for his skills. Extremely fast in vehicle mode, he carries a particle beam rifle and rocket launcher with a 25 mile range. Red Alert sometimes makes quick judgements that cause injury to himself and his comrades. "Caution can never be over used."
Rescue Ratchet (Movie Voyager)
Vanity is not a fault from which AUTOBOT RATCHET typically suffers. He is more concerned with saving the lives of his fellow AUTOBOTS than with what they think about him. He’s never paid much attention to the decorations adorning his vehicle mode. However, after discovering the tendency for human rescue vehicles to be decorated in certain ways, he started paying more attention to his appearance. His new paint job helps him fit in, and allows him to help more humans and AUTOBOTS than ever before. Plus, these new decorations just seem more natural somehow.

AUTOBOT robot-to-vehicle figure features an AUTOMORPH forearm cannon and a hidden axe in robot mode. A twist here and a turn there and this robot figure converts into Hummer H2 vehicle mode with roof rack that can be used as a shield or a combat stretcher!

AUTOBOT robot-to-vehicle figure features an AUTOMORPH forearm cannon and a hidden axe in robot mode. Hummer H2 vehicle mode features a roof rack that converts to a shield or combat stretcher!
Ages 5 and up.
Stands 6" tall in robot mode.

Robo-Vision Optimus Prime
Blazing down to Earth’s surface from outer space comes OPTIMUS PRIME. His protoform mode is ideal for covering the vast distances between stars, and armored to survive the catastrophic descent through a planetary atmosphere. When he arrives, however, his first task is to find an appropriate disguise in which to conduct his search for the Allspark. As his scanning beam sweeps over nearby objects, he sees the world in the deep red that tells him his targeting and scanning systems are active. Then, his gaze settles upon the coolest thing he has ever seen. Yes, this will be his disguise on Earth.

Get ready to rule the universe with this awesome OPTIMUS PRIME figure that features a limited-edition supermetal finish and AUTOMORPH Technology! This TRANSFORMERS technology is designed to help make conversion faster and easier. Moving one part of the robot or vehicle causes other parts to move, making armor plates and weapons shift automatically. This figure also has double-missile firing rifles in robot mode and smokestacks that convert to cannons in truck mode.

Rodimus & Insecticon (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy's greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With incredible ability to change into everyday objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES figures are more than meets the eye!

Two-pack of chunky, collectible figures includes RODIMUS and INSECTION figures – both in robot mode!

Note: Product does not convert.

Rodimus (Classic)
Action is my middle name. Young and bold, RODIMUS races headlong into danger, throwing caution - and his orders - to the wind. He dreams of heroic deeds and hopes one day to gain the recognition his actions deserve. Despite his inexperience, he is a talented fighter. In battle, he can often be seen racing at speeds up to 180 miles per hour, dodging explosions and laser blasts in an attempt to close on his objective. Converts from race car to Autobot warrior. Features flip out data-com communicator and tailpipe becomes photon laser with firing projectile.
Rodimus Major (Commemorative Series I)
RODIMUS MAJOR is a typical adolescent who dreams of being heroic and important. Although he means well, his impulsive actions often get him in trouble. Carries two photon lasers that temporarily electromagnetize an enemy robot's microcircuits. An enthusiastic and idealistic thrill-seeker who often acts like the immature adolescent he is. Can be hotheaded, but is a brave, admirable and honorable fighter. "Major" is an honorary title bestowed on AUTOBOTS who exhibit great potential.
Rodimus Major (Commemorative Series I, UK box)
RODIMUS MAJOR is a typical adolescent who dreams of being heroic and important. Although he means well, his impulsive actions often get him in trouble. Carries two photon lasers that temporarily electromagnetize an enemy robot's microcircuits. An enthusiastic and idealistic thrill-seeker who often acts like the immature adolescent he is. Can be hotheaded, but is a brave, admirable and honorable fighter. "Major" is an honorary title bestowed on AUTOBOTS who exhibit great potential. This is the same figure as the US version, only in a tri-lingual box.
Rodimus Prime (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Saesee Tiin Jedi Starfighter (Transformers)
$32.99 $34.99
Jedi Master Saesee Tiin flies his customized starfighter to his homeworld, which is under attack by Separatist forces. Tiin’s sleek fighter soon blasts the enemy vessels into retreat. Landing on the planet, he converts his fighter into a robotic Jedi warrior to strike down an army of battle droids that have landed there!

Modeled after the powerful combat vessels used by the clone troopers during the Clone Wars, this fierce fighting machine is now a mode-changing figure that’s full of surprises! Convert the Republic Gunship to combat robot and back again! Vehicle mode features two projectile launchers and a clone pilot figure that fits inside.

Another of the new AUTOBOTS brought to life by the final, energetic bursts from the AllSpark, SALVAGE doesn’t really have a lot of ambition. Before being brought to life, he worked with Sparkplug & Son Salvage, and he’s pretty sure he was happy then. He’s certain he’s happy now, with a load of scrap in the back, and Sparkplug’s hands in their accustomed place on his worn old steering wheel. It’s a simple life, but it’s one he prefers to hunting DECEPTICONS and fighting all the time.

Bold red-and-gold colors bring out the detail in this SALVAGE figure’s robot mode. In vehicle mode, he’s one slick-looking truck. Ready to roll out against the enemy? Change this AUTOBOT warrior from truck mode to robot mode and the bed cover converts to a crusher claw!

Scavenger (Transformers Armada)
Features stomping sounds when robot is pushed along, firing missile, electronic engine sounds and includes Rollbar mini-con figure that when placed in cockpit, activates sounds.
Scorponok (Movie Deluxe)
Scorponok is barely what the other TRANSFORMERS would even call alive. His core programming is only a tiny bit more complex than pure instinct. In most things, he acts almost entirely as an animal. He never speaks, and lives only to hunt and destroy. Unlike most of his fellow robots, he prefers his alternate mode with its energized stinger and drill-claws, to his robot mode. Capable of burrowing through solid earth at nearly eighty miles per hour, he can be a terrifying opponent as he springs suddenly upon his target in a shower of dirt from the ground.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from menacing robot mode to scorpion mode and back again! It features spinning, drilling pinchers in robot mode and a spring-loaded stinger attack in scorpion mode! This is one awesome figure for your collection!

6" tall.

Scourge (Robots In Disguise)
Scourge is a no-nonsense field commander. Formed during the creation of the Decepticons when Megatron scanned both a tanker truck and Optimus Prime. Because of this mix-up, Scourge resents the Autobots and especially their leader. He's cunning, dangerous and cruel - if there is any Autobot goodness within his circuits, he covers it up in acts of destruction. His battle station is a fully loaded weapon and high-tech equipment arsenal. Furiously wields his signature sword in battle. This level 3 (advanced) Transformer inlcudes Scourge truck/robot with tanker/battle station, disk launcher, 5 disks, missile launcher, 10 missiles, rocket launcher, 2 rockets, battle sword, laser cannon and instructions.
Sideswipe (Toys R Us Exclusive)
There are two things Sideswipe likes more than anything else in the galaxy: pummeling Decepticons and fast cars. He chose to scan a vehicle that would allow him to enjoy both. Ready to junk any Decepticon that dares put a scratch in his paint!

Features deploy-able blades.

Transforms from Corvette Stingray concept mode to robot. 6" scale.


Sideswipe (Walmart Movie Exclusive)
Sideswipe is a master battle tactician. He developed a method of dispersing large gatherings of Decepticons with his blasters before screeching into the fray with his Cybertanium blade at the ready. His special race-tuned vehicle mode allows him to enter th battle faster than ever before - just the thought of which causes the spark of Decepticons to dim!

Features dual blasters.


Signal Flare (Movie Off-Screen)
Wired more for hard work than the heat of combat, SIGNAL FLARE prefers to remain hidden in the background, rather than on the front lines with OPTIMUS PRIME. On Earth, he stays in his vehicle mode and works secretly with humans to construct buildings capable of resisting even the mighty weapons of the TRANSFORMERS. When duty calls, however, he uses his powerful radar dish to transmit information between hidden AUTOBOT cells in preparation for the coming battle over the AllSpark.

Change this AUTOBOT figure from robot to vehicle and back again! Chase down enemies with the ultimate Energon weapon!

Silverstreak (Commemorative Series III)
Silverstreak is not the "typical" Autobot. Always on overdrive, he is an incessant talker whose endless banter and sharp humor can lighten tense situations. Memory of his home-city's destruction by the Decepticons causes him to hate war. Long distance bombing capability of up to 8.3 miles, lightning-like 80,000-volt beam travels up to 12 miles with limited accuracy. Armed with formidable weapons and incendiary speed but sometimes impeded by distaste for combat. 6" scale.
Skyblast (Movie Scout)
• Guide Skyblast on his aerial adventures and maneuvers
• Figure changes from robot to vehicle and back again
• Chase down enemies with the ultimate Energon weapon
• For ages 5 yrs. and up
Skywarp (Heroes Of Cybertron)
Poseable parts are interchangeable. Includes tech specs card.
Soundwave (Commemorative Series)
It is said SOUNDWAVE can hear a fly sneeze. Uses anything he hears for blackmail to advance his status. Opportunist. Despised by all other DECEPTICONS. Sensors can detect even lowest energy radio transmissions. Able to read minds by monitoring electrical brain impulses. Acts as radio link for others. Locates and identifies AUTOBOTS, then informs DECEPTICONS. Carries a concussion blaster gun. Often target of retaliation by his comrades.

Commemorative-edition figure is a reproduction of one of the most popular Generation 1 TRANSFORMERS characters of all time. Identical to the original toy, this convertible action figure lets you reproduce all the action of the sinister DECEPTICON character!

Convert this SOUNDWAVE figure from his legendary tape-deck form to robot and back again! His “batteries” convert to hand weapons and shoulder cannons! The LASERBEAK or BATTLE RAVAGE (both included) fit in the tape deck! With authentic Generation 1 styling, this figure is an awesome addition to your collection!

Soundwave (Heroes Of Cybertron)
Poseable parts are interchangeable and includes tech specs on card.
Soundwave (Titanium)
Includes Laserbeak.
Speed Dial 800 (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! Your new robotic companion SPEED DIAL 800 is a hyperactive fast-talker, the sort of guy who just can’t help but be friendly to everyone. Superior hypersonics allow him to piggyback a signal on local wireless connections in order to transmit sensitive info to his allies. Be sure you’ve got a lot of time if you go online at night though; he’s sure to text you with a lot to say.

Convert this AUTOBOT figure from robot to phone and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not a working phone.

Spider-Man & Iron Man (Transformers Crossovers)
Marvel TransFormers Crossovers Vehicle to Hero Action Figures Spider-Man and Iron-Man convert to special airborne fighters and then combine to into heavy assault mode and then form a giant super bomber with launching missile accessories!

Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth. Faced with the war suits of Earth's villains Iron Man designs powerful new battle suits for himself and Spider-Man. The heroes can attack separately, taking advantage of their unique powers, or combine spider powers with super tech to create an immensely powerful super jet. This new armor is the most powerful technology in the world, combining the might of two of Earth's greatest heroes.

Earth's villains now have a twice-as-tough set of heroes to contend with this exciting two-pack of hero-to-vehicle figures! These Spider-Man and Iron Man figures are already both major forces to be reckoned with, but when they convert to their high-flying airborne vehicles, their powers are heads-and-shoulders above their enemies! Plus, when battles really get tough, these two mighty heroes combine their powers for heavy assault mode before joining together to create a giant super bomber with two launching missile accessories! The bad guys just don't stand a chance!

Spider-Man (Transformers Crossovers)
Capable of phenomenal acceleration, and maneuverable enough to weave through traffic as easily as Spider-Man himself dodges bullets, his motorcycle mode is the ultimate extension of his style. In mech mode, it duplicates his powers almost perfectly, with powerful electromagnets that allow wall-crawling, and missile launchers that fire explosive blasts of webbing strong enough to entangle even the most powerful machine opponent.

Whether in hero or vehicle mode, this red and blue wonder is a force to be reckoned with! From sleek motorcycle mode, convert the cool vehicle with a twist here and a turn there to unleash this super Spider-Man figure in hero mode! Armed with his web missile launcher and a no-nonsense attitude, this "Spidey"-rrific sidekick is ready to team up with you and take on whatever adventures your imagination can dream up! 7" scale.

Spider-Man (Transformers Crossovers, Marvel Universe)
Capable of phenomenal acceleration, and maneuverable enough to weave through traffic as easily as Spider-Man himself dodges bullets, his motorcycle mode is the ultimate extension of his style. In mech mode, it duplicates his powers almost perfectly, with powerful electromagnets that allow wall-crawling, and missile launchers that fire explosive blasts of webbing strong enough to entangle even the most powerful machine opponent.

Whether in hero or vehicle mode, this red and blue wonder is a force to be reckoned with! From sleek motorcycle mode, convert the cool vehicle with a twist here and a turn there to unleash this super Spider-Man figure in hero mode! Armed with his web missile launcher and a no-nonsense attitude, this "Spidey"-rrific sidekick is ready to team up with you and take on whatever adventures your imagination can dream up! 6" scale.


Spy Shot 6 (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! Your new robotic companion SPEED DIAL 800 is a hyperactive fast-talker, the sort of guy who just can’t help but be friendly to everyone. Superior hypersonics allow him to piggyback a signal on local wireless connections in order to transmit sensitive info to his allies. Be sure you’ve got a lot of time if you go online at night though; he’s sure to text you with a lot to say.

Convert this AUTOBOT figure from robot to phone and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not a working phone.

Starscream (25th Anniversary)
STARSCREAM is one of the deadliest warriors ever to emerge from the early battles of the civil war. He allied himself early on with MEGATRON, realizing that the DECEPTICON way was the easiest path to absolute power. He takes joy in destruction, his shrill laughter echoing across any battlefield over which he flies. Despite his power, he is a coward at heart, a bully more than a tyrant. He lives to lord his strength over those weaker than him, but he lives in fear of anyone stronger.

Convert this advanced conversion figure from robot to fighter-jet vehicle mode - and back again! Try launching missiles at your target! Complete with twin null-ray cannons with firing projectiles in robot mode and flip down landing gear in fighter-jet vehicle mode, this is one awesome figure for your collection.

Starscream (3.5" Movie Legends)
Converts from robot mode to F-22 Raptor mode.
Starscream (Classic)
My enemies will be left nothing but the ashes of their defeat. Ruthless, cold-blooded, and capable, STARSCREAM makes no secret of the fact that he wants to replace Megatron as leader of the DECEPTICONS. The fastest flyer among the DECEPTICONS ranks and one of the most dangerous warriors ever to grace the skies of Cybertron, he is still something of a coward. He cares too much for his own skin to ever take the risks the overthrow of MEGATRON would require. Converts from fighter jet to Decepticon air commander. Features twin null-ray cannons with firing projectiles.
Starscream (Commemorative Series II)
Starscream seeks to replace Megatron as leader. Ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel. Considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of all the Decepticon robots. Believes Decepticon robots should rely more on guile and speed rather than brute force to defeat the Autobots. Fastest flyer of the group, able to reach Mach 2.8 and an altitude of 52 miles. Shoots cluster bombs and null-rays that disrupt the flow of electricity. Very good at what he does, but sometimes overrates himself.
Starscream (Cybertron)
Unsurpassed in ego or ambition, Starscream is the scheming second-in-command to Megatron. With his mastery of the sword, null-ray cannons that can disrupt the functioning of even the most hardened Autobot and a vast array of secondary weapons, Starscream is second only to Megatron and Optimus Prime in power. His speed is uncanny, often giving slower 'bots the impression that he actually teleports around the battlefield.

Left stranded on Earth to battle Jetfire - the only Autobot warrior capable of even coming close to matching Starscream for speed or skill in aerial combat - he plots to seize a Planet Key for himself in order to gain the power he needs to finally overthrow Megatron and take command of the Decepticon army. Though his battle prowess is legendary, he lacks the practical intelligence to hide his ambition from his leader, and Megatron is more than aware of his plotting.

Includes Decepticon crown of leadership, 2 Planet Keys, snap out Energon blade and arm-mounted Null Ray cannon with firing projectile. Features light-up missile rack with electronic rocket blast sounds.

Requires 2 x 1.5v "AAA" or R03 size batteries, not included.

Starscream (Heroes of Cybertron)
Description coming soon.
Starscream (Leader Class, 2009)
Optimus Prime may think him a coward, but Starscream never flees a fight out of fear alone. Every retreat is calculated to keep him alive long enough to return and destroy his opponents with overwhelming power. As long as the Autobots seek him in force, he will remain hidden. As soon as Optimus Prime ventures out alone, however, Starscream will strike.

11" tall Starscream features light-up eyes and chest, jet engine and air combat sounds, automatic conversion sounds, firing missile and pop-out weapons.


Starscream (Movie Preview)
One of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy, STARSCREAM commands the DECEPTICON search for the Allspark while MEGATRON is missing. Streaking towards Earth, he reshapes his body, morphing his metal skin into a protective shell that glows and sparks as he makes his fiery descent. On Earth, he will scan a disguise and modify his PROTOFORM into an Earth fighter jet from that will allow him to achieve his goal: the total destruction of the AUTOBOTS.

Change this convertible TRANSFORMERS figure from robot mode to entry mode, and back again!

Starscream (Movie Voyager)
Leading the hunt for the AllSpark during the absence of MEGATRON on Earth has given STARSCREAM a taste for command. He has experienced firsthand the brutality that allows MEGATRON to maintain control over his DECEPTICON legions. It is a style of leadership that STARSCREAM takes to with gusto, punishing disobedience without mercy and rewarding success only with a narrowed eye and threatening gesture. He craves ultimate control, and looks forward to the day when MEGATRON makes the mistake that allows STARSCREAM the opportunity to slip a jagged shard of steel between his processor clusters.

Change this DECEPTICON figure from robot mode to F-22 Raptor jet mode and back again! Chase down enemies with the firing missile launchers in jet mode that attach to the robot’s arms in robot mode!

Starscream (Prime, First Edition)
Re-enact your favorite adventures from the TRANSFORMERS PRIME TV Series with this awesome STARSCREAM figure! Convert your figure from fierce robot mode to high-speed fighter jet mode! In either mode, you can set your figure on its display stand in your collection. Keep switching your STARSCREAM figure from robot mode to vehicle mode as the battle rages on! 6" long figure (in vehicle mode) comes with display stand.

Starscream (Revenge of The Fallen, Voyager Class)
The moment his sensor net registered MEGATRON going offline, STARSCREAM knew the battle was over, and the AllSpark lost. He converted to vehicle mode and boosted for outer space, hoping to buy enough time to rally the DECEPTICON survivors. Returning from CYBERTRON bearing the marks won during his reign over the DECEPTICON army, he is focused on conquest. With a new army behind him, he has the strength to pursue his own goals, and perhaps, when the time is right, bring MEGATRON back.

Prepare to do battle – DECEPTICON style! Fire either of two missiles from this eager enemy’s pop-out missile launcher in robot mode. Activate gears with a turn of STARSCREAM figure’s head! Or convert to an F-22 Raptor aircraft in vehicle mode and let your imagination soar! Recreate exciting scenes from the movie or create your own!

Figure comes with missile accessories.

Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features pop-out missile launchers and two firing missiles! Turn head to activate moving gears! Figure comes with missile accessories.

Ages 5 and up. 7" tall.

Starscream (Target Exclusive)
Few Autobots see the face of Starscream and live to talk about it. His vehicle mode is so incredibly fast, stealthy and well armed that an Autobot is turned to scrap before he hears Starscream coming. His weakness? An obsession with becoming the leader of the Decepticons. Megatron does not take kindly to his threats.

8" tall Starscream features pop-out missiles launcher with 2 firing missiles.

Includes comic book.


Starscream (Voyager Class, Target Exclusive)
Sole survivor of the catastrophic battle that destroyed the other Decepticons, Starscream fled into the vast and cloudy skies of Earth, away from the searching eyes of the Autobots. His alien skin totally transparent to the primitive sensing technologies of humanity's armies, it was easy for him to find a place to hide. Altering his exterior was a simple matter, and made it even easier to hide from his enemies. With Megatron gone, and the AllSpark lost, he waits, and plots, and plans for a future in which he rises at the head of a mighty Decepticon army to reclaim all that his former leader lost.

Features missile launchers that attach to arms and fire 6 missiles. Also features exclusive G1 deco.

Stealth Bumblebee
With pictures of him all over the internet in robot and vehicle mode, BUMBLEBEE began to feel a little bit uncomfortable. People recognized him everywhere. More importantly new DECEPTICONS arriving on Earth found him easily, which put Sam and others in danger. With Mikaela’s help, he picked out a new color scheme for his armor plating that made him harder to spot, and also made it easier to sneak up on any DECEPTICONS that wandered into the range of his plasma cannon.

In his signature yellow-and-black colors, this STEALTH BUMBLEBEE figure has more black than yellow. Quickly change his arm cannon into a blade in robot mode. Ready to roll out against the enemy? Convert this AUTOBOT warrior into Camaro concept vehicle mode and he’s ready to “race” away - or admire on display!

Stockade (Deluxe Class)
Drawn to Earth by a DECEPTICON homing signal after the final battle for the AllSpark, STOCKADE quickly hooked up with STARSCREAM. He’s content to follow orders from anyone, as long as those orders involve kicking AUTOBOT tailpipe. Back on CYBERTRON, he used to threaten neutrals into staying neutral, and punished those who seemed to have a problem with their audio receptors. There’s more than enough AUTOBOTS on Earth to keep him busy.

Convert this devilish DECEPTICON figure from vengeful robot mode to sleek SUV vehicle mode and back again! Press the sinister STOCKADE figure’s arm lever to activate an auto-punch attack or change to SUV vehicle mode and take off in hot pursuit of excitement and adventure!

Storm Jet
Storm Jet is capable of flying at very high speed and loves to chase down Decepticons who think they are faster than he is. Although he has a stormy temper, he manages to control it most of the time, but woe to the Decepticon who pushes him beyond his patience. He conducts reconnaissance missions, deftly avoiding any missile attacks if he's spotted by the enemy. This is a level 3 (advanced) Transformer.
Straightaway Shootout 5-Pack
Includes Swerve (converts to Corvette Stingray), Mudflap (converts to Chevy Trax), Ironhide (Converts to Topkick), Runamuck (converts to Pontiac Solstice) and Sparkcrusher (converts to tank).

Figures measure approximately 3" tall.

Superion (Target Exclusive)
The mighty union of the five Aerialbots, Superion thinks of little else besides destroying any Decepticons he encounters, and protecting any innocent bystanders nearby. The robots that combine to form this powerful warior are experienced teammates, working in tandem to see that the Autobots emerge victorious from the fire of the ancient war.

Includes Airazor, Silverbolt, Fireflight, Air Raid and Skydive.

Swindle (Movie Deluxe)
SWINDLE is one of many DECEPTIONS brought to Earth by MEGATRON just to cause as much trouble as possible for the AUTOBOTS. He's not a great fighter, but he makes up for it in the amount of pleasure he takes just in blowing stuff up. His extending torso cannon fires explosive rounds, and he leaps around like a madman, firing randomly in a fight. Battling SWINDLE is like battling a crazy bundle of living dynamite!

Change this advanced-conversion, DECEPTICON figure from robot mode to vehicle mode – and back again! Robot mode features an awesome, extending torso cannon!

The Fallen (Voyager Class)
For millennia, he has waited. Thousands of years have dragged by as he recruited proxies, one by one, to scour the cosmos for the artifact he required. Now he finds he must return to the primitive, flesh-slug infected planet on which his quest began. Nothing will stand in his way this time. If need be, he will scour the surface of this disgusting world clean in the fire of his rage, and search through the blasted rubble for that which he seeks.

Recreate exciting movie scenes or stage your own living room battles with this fierce-looking figure! With slide-out energy absorption panels in robot mode, this DECEPTICON warrior will stop at nothing to defeat the AUTOBOT forces! In vehicle mode, unleash a Cybertronian Destroyer that’s ready for action!

Detailed robot-to-vehicle figure features slide-out energy absorption panels in robot mode and converts to a Cybertronian Destroyer in vehicle mode! Ages 5 and up. 6" scale.

The Fallen (Voyager Class, Target Exclusive)
Give enemies the fight of their lives with this mighty and menacing THE FALLEN figure. Begin the battle in robot mode and slide out his “energy absorption panels” and then take the warfare to a whole new level by converting him into Cybertronian Destroyer vehicle mode! Nothing will stand in his way this time. If need be, he will scour the surface of this disgusting world clean in the fire of his rage, and search through the blasted rubble for that which he seeks.

Approximately 8" tall in robot mode.

The Legacy of Bumblebee 3-Pack
Classic Bumblebee figure features a Wave Crusher and trailer that convert to a jet pack in robot mode and becomes a sleek cruiser in vehicle mode

Movie Bumblebee figure features a stylish Camaro concept car in vehicle mode and a premium series robot mode with super-detailed deco

Animated Bumblebee figure features snap-on rocket boosters and flip-out stingers in robot mode and converts to super sports car vehicle mode

Thor (Transformers Crossovers)
Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth.

Ultimate power — that’s what you get when you combine the strength of a Norse god with state-of-the-art battle suit technology. This mech was built to channel the thunder god’s control over lightning, making it many times more powerful than any battle suit ever constructed. In vehicle mode, Thor can rain justice from above, bringing the weather itself down on his enemies!

One look at this thunder god hero's hammer smash and you'll know that he means business! Convert the mighty Thor figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash an awesome assault jet vehicle that's ready to soar into action!

6" tall.

Thundercracker (Commemorative Series III)
Thundercracker is contemptuous of anything that can't fly. Although a ruthless model of action in the battle against the Autobots, he remains an independent thinker who is not wholly convinced by Decepticon dogma. Equipped with powerful drone rockets and incediary gun. Capable of producing powerful and highly accurate earth-shaking sonic booms that can be heard up to 200 miles away. Devastatingly powerful - inhibited only by doubts about his cause. 6" scale.
Thundercracker (Heroes Of Cybertron)
Generation One Collection. Classic character features poseable interchangeable parts and tech specs on card.

4" tall.

Thundercracker (Movie Voyager)
Thundercracker lives in fear. Special materials in his vehicle body allow him to emit controlled sonic detonations that can be heard 200 miles away. Cruising along at Mach 6, he wants his enemies to hear him before they see him. He wants them to know he's coming, and cower in fear at their impending doom. Not as devoted to the recovery of the AllSpark as the other Decepticons, he stays with Megatron because the evil leader allows him to indulge his chaotic tendencies.

Features missile launchers and 6 firing missiles.

Transformers Cybertron Robots In Disguise 4-Pack
3.5" tall 4-Pack includes Megatron, Soundwave, Jetfire and Optimus Prime. All transform between robot and vehicle mode.
Transformers Dark Of The Moon Cyberverse Ultimate Gift Set (Walmart)
Includes 4" tall versions of Optimus Prime, Powerglide, Bumblebee, Crowbar and Sideswipe.

Transformers Legends 6-Pack (Battle For The Allspark)
3.5" tall, contains 6 Movie Legends figures in a battle pack with vehicle and robot modes cinema scene-style packaging. Includes Optimus Prime, Jazz, Bumblebee, Megatron, Barricade and Starscream.
Transformers Movie 3-Pack (Sam's Club Exclusive)
Includes 6" deluxe sized Brawl, Bonecrusher and Jazz.
Transformers Movie Legends 4-Pack
• Celebrate Cybertron and the live-action Transformers movie
• This exclusive collection features Optimus Prime and Megatron legends
• Boxed 4 pk. features 3.5" tall versions of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Megatron along with movie Optimus Prime and Megatron
Transformers Robot Heroes (Decepticon Sneak Attack)
OPTIMUS PRIME lays a trap for MEGATRON and the DECEPTICONS, and if all goes according to plan, the evil robots will be defeated once and for all. MIRAGE creates a holographic replica of an important rocket base to lure the DECEPTICONS in, but as the battle begins, the AUTOBOTS discover only a few of their enemies are real. MEGATRON has tricked them, and the real rocket base is under attack as they speak!

Race into action with the galaxy’s greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With the incredible ability to change into every day objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES are more than meets the eye!

3.5" tall five-pack of chunky, stylized characters includes CLIFFJUMPER, OPTIMUS PRIME with supermetal finish, MEGATRON with supermetal finish, hologram MIRAGE and SKYWARP figures!

Transformers Universe G1 Series 25th Anniversary Optimus Prime & DVD
Since 1984, the unstoppable metal giants have been seen worldwide in toy aisles and comic shops, on television and most recently on the sliver screen. Celebrate 25 years of robot-converting excitement with this anniversary collectible set that includes an OPTIMUS PRIME figure, AUTOBOT shield, TRANSFORMERS comic book and animated DVD!

Pose the freedom-fighting figure in robot mode and fire missiles at the enemy. Convert the robot’s battle station into a trailer in truck mode, where you can also launch a roller at your target! An electronic AUTOBOT shield heats up your homemade adventures with OPTIMUS PRIME speech and conversion sounds. Clip it to your belt or stand it up on a table, desk or shelf! Read the re-issue of the original TRANSFORMERS comic book and play the 25th anniversary MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE DVD (DVD player not included). Featuring the first three episodes of the original animated series, three desktop wallpapers and never before seen MEGATRON and OPTIMUS PRIME character art, this is one cool collector’s pack to celebrate the robotic craze that has lasted for a quarter century.

8" long figure comes with comic book and DVD.

Includes 3 “AAA” batteries.

Transformers Universe Mini-Con Class 10 Pack (Armada Series)
Includes both Battle Support & Ground Surveillance Mini-Con Teams.

Each are 2" - 3" long.

Transformers Universe Mini-Con Class 12 Pack (Armada Series)
The small brethren of the Autobots and the Decepticons fled Cybertron long ago, in search of refuge from the never-ending war. The Mini-Con robots are living power batteries that larger robots use to enhance their already formidable weapons and abilities. Many Mini-Con teams were broken apart or destroyed utterly by the greed of the Decepticons, or the desperation of the Autobots. Now, only a few intact teams are left to roam the universe, living in peace and isolation from other Transformers.

Includes fully transformable 2" - 3" long Autobots of Backstop, Heavytread, Bodyblock, Makeshift, Knockdown, and Flatfoot.

Includes fully transformable Decepticons of Suppressor, Cloudraker, Blight, Boltflash, Brimstone and Skyhammer.

Transforming to combat mode, Transquito can hold off several Maximals at once with huge, poison-tipped pincers. Any unfortunate robot surviving a strike from these pincers is immediately afflicted with an irritating rash and sent into a delirious rage. His powerful wings hurtle him to blazing speeds and create an annoying high-pitched screech known to drive Maximals out of their minds. His manner is highly obnoxious and dangerous, and he is hated by all who know him.

5" long.

Ultimate Bumblebee
Earth's first line of defense against the DECEPTICONS is here! Hidden from his enemies in vehicle mode, BUMBLEBEE waits and watches until he is called upon to protect Sam and any other humans that come under threat from MEGATRON. He is a cunning warrior against evil, and dedicated to those he calls his friends. When danger threatens, he converts to robot mode with his plasma cannon blazing!

The TRANSFORMERS Movie hero "comes to life" at the push of a button! This amazing and ultra-detailed robot figure features an animated head, wings and arms. His cannon automatically "aims" and fires a missile! Convert this awesome machine in to Camaro concept vehicle mode with battle and conversion sounds! Groove to nine different songs, featuring "Whip It" by Devo! You'll be ready for action with realistic revving engine sounds, screeching brakes and crashing noises – even a car alarm and horn! And with 17 cool phrases like, "Let's roll out!" and "Take that DECEPTICON!" he's the ultimate interactive action figure powered up, and ready to bring the fight to the DECEPTICONS - or at least your bedroom!

14" tall, includes 4 AA batteries.

Ultra Magnus & Megatron (Robot Heroes)
Race into action with the galaxy’s greatest collection of mighty metal warriors! The most powerful heroes from the planet CYBERTRON are here to battle for the fate of the universe. With the incredible ability to change into every day objects and technology beyond your wildest dreams, these ROBOT HEROES are more than meets the eye!

Two-pack of chunky, stylized characters includes ULTRA MAGNUS and MEGATRON figures.

Note: Product does not convert.

Ultra Magnus (Animated, Leader Class)
Make a smashing entrance into your TRANSFORMERS collection with this ultimate AUTOBOT warrior figure that converts from menacing robot mode to assault carrier vehicle mode and back again! In robot mode, the elite commander character changes expressions as he talks with electronic lights, sounds and speech. Aim the spring-loaded, expanding mass hammer at the enemy, along with flip-up heavy cannons and hidden weapons. Change into vehicle mode for flip-out machine cannons and weapon power-up sounds! Use your imagination and your advanced-conversion skills while staging your own AllSpark adventures with this high-ranking robot character.

Includes 2 “AA” batteries.

Ultra Magnus (Commemorative Series I)
ULTRA MAGNUS is all soldier. Most comfortable as the second-in-command, when he is carrying out the orders of OPTIMUS PRIME. Possesses supreme fighting skills and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Reluctant whenever he has to be the leader in a mission, but has a natural ability to command. Unswervingly determined, fair and courageous. Exhibits hesitancy and self-doubt at times about his decisions. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Ready to sacrifice himself for the good of others or the mission.
Ultra Magnus (Commemorative Series I, UK box)
ULTRA MAGNUS is all soldier. Most comfortable as the second-in-command, when he is carrying out the orders of OPTIMUS PRIME. Possesses supreme fighting skills and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Reluctant whenever he has to be the leader in a mission, but has a natural ability to command. Unswervingly determined, fair and courageous. Exhibits hesitancy and self-doubt at times about his decisions. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Ready to sacrifice himself for the good of others or the mission. This is the same figure as the US version, only in a tri-lingual box.
Ultra Magnus (Heroes Of Cybertron)
Classic characters feature poseable interchangeable parts and tech specs on cards.
Ultra Magnus vs. Skywarp (Battle For Autobot City)
As commander of AUTOBOT City on Earth, ULTRA MAGNUS commands the most powerful forces ever assembled, of which he is among the greatest. He was given the honor of the City Command by OPTIMUS PRIME because of his superior intelligence, and incredible might as a warrior. Since taking command he has defended the city against dozens of attacks by DECEPTICONS led by the crafty SKYWARP. For his part, SKYWARP is determined to breach the city’s defenses and destroy ULTRA MAGNUS in order to prove himself to MEGATRON.

Get ready to battle AUTOBOT vs. DECEPTTICON with these two highly detailed robot-to-vehicle figures. ULTRA MAGNUS figure changes from a truck to a menacing robot figure featuring a smokestack that becomes a laser cannon and a wind vane that becomes a blaster! SYWARP figure changes from a supersonic jet to a fierce robot warrior featuring twin missile launchers with firing projectiles!

Includes ULTRA MAGNUS and SKYWARP figures.

Unicron (Armada)
Features include super cannon with 3 blasting missiles, light-up fist and glowing eyes. Holds up to 27 Mini-Con figures in planet mode. Also includes an exclusive Dead End Mini-Con.
Unicron (Energon, repaint)
Features include super cannon with 3 blasting missiles, light-up fist and glowing eyes. Holds up to 27 Mini-Con figures in planet mode. Also includes an exclusive Dead End Mini-Con.
Unicron (Transformers Universe, Supreme Class)
Immortal, indestructible and all-powerful, Unicron is the ultimate evil in the cosmos. Massive, silent and unstoppable, he floats through the non-space between dimensions, reaching out with his sensors to find the universe with the most energy. Those dimensions he finds suitable, he consumes, destroying every planet, every star, and every trace of life. He has been destroyed or defeated countless times, yet he always returns, hungrier and more powerful tyan before, for he is more than a mere monster. He is evil incarnate, and as long as there is evil, there is Unicron.

Level 4 super conversion Decepticon transforms from robot mode to planet mode.

Features super cannon with blasting missile, glowing eyes, light-up fist, fires 6 missiles and includes mini-con Dead End.

Requires 4 A76 or LR44 alkaline batteries, included.

Venom (Transformers Crossovers)
Obsessed with the destruction of Spider-Man, Venom welcomes any advantage. This powerful war suit allows him to cruise the city streets in secrecy, searching for his quarry. It's got the speed to pursue any target, or outrun any hero that might give chase. When it comes time to fight, his mech mode spews out volleys of powerful missiles capable of blasting other war suits to pieces.

Whether in villain or vehicle mode, this is one lean and mean-looking figure! From sleek speedster mode, convert the flame-detailed muscle car vehicle with a twist here and a turn there to unleash the harrowing figure in villain mode! Armed with his double missile blaster and serpent-like tongue, this evil-faced enemy is ready to team up with you and take on whatever adventures your imagination can dream up! 7" scale.

Like a rattlesnake's tail before an attack, a chilling sound buzzes in the distance as if to forecast approaching danger. Suddenly from the sky the giant wasp appears, revealing its monstrous face and bulging eyes as it streaks down for an aerial attack! The Waspinator launches its secret wing missiles, striking the helpless victims below with the poisonous power of a robotic cyber-sting! 6" scale.
Wingblade (Ultra Class)
WINGBLADE takes its deco inspiration from the A-10 Warthogs that appear in the TRANSFORMERS movie. Because both jets in this exclusive assortment were based on real-life jets that are predominantly gray, each character's colors were chosen to contrast the other's colors. Wingblade is a greenish "Alfalfa" gray where Jetstorm is a cool gray, and their secondary colors are on opposite ends of the color wheel.

2 AAA batteries are required (included).

Wolverine (Transformers Crossovers)
Basing their designs on alien technology, Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man create powerful new battle suits for the heroes of Earth.

Built to match the toughness and ferocity of Wolverine himself, this battle suit is fast, scrappy, and able to take a pounding that would turn other mechs into scrap. Advanced repair systems fix most damage done almost instantly. In addition, the mech mode pops out claws sharp enough to rip through almost any armor.

One look at this Wolverine hero’s pop-out claws and you’ll know that he’s ready for the toughest of battles. Convert the mighty figure from hero to vehicle mode to unleash a rugged rally truck that’s sure to flatten any enemy in its path!

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD. Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years. 6" scale.

Wreckage (Movie Deluxe)
Just as DECEPTICON BRAWL is the hot-blooded, indiscriminate destroyer among the DECEPTICONS, WRECKAGE is the stone-cold fighter. Though he is as capable as any DECEPTICON of wholesale destruction, he carries twin blades for a reason. That is, he likes to be up close to his target. He lives to hear the shriek of metal on metal as his swords tear through AUTOBOT armor, and the sparking sizzle of shorting electronics as wires and conduits are severed.

Change this advanced-conversion, DECEPTICON figure from robot mode to personnel carrier mode – and back again! Robot mode features intimidating spring-loaded blades, while the personnel carrier mode features a menacing, extending cannon!

Zoom Out 25X (Movie Real Gear)
Uncover one of the most closely held secrets on Earth, known only to very few humans. The power of the Allspark has been unleashed, and machines all over the world have come alive. Unlock their secrets and join the battle! ZOOM OUT 25X is inhumanly patient. He’ll wait for days or weeks in his camera mode without moving or making a sound, just to get the perfect shot of you doing something you shouldn’t. Then, using his editing features, he’ll alter the video to be as embarrassing as possible. He doesn’t do this because it’s his mission or anything – he just likes to cause trouble.

Convert this DECEPTICON figure from robot to digital camera mode and back again! Collect this awesome figure and join the TRANSFORMERS battle!

Note: Not a working camera.

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