TOTAL JUSTICE action figures
Aquaman (Total Justice)
Born in the underwater world of Atlantis, Arthur Curry leads a dual life as Aquaman, protector of the world's oceans. He is able to "breathe" water, swim at speeds up to 100 miles per hour, and communicate with most sea life. Though his strength diminishes after prolonged exposure out of the water, Aquaman's Fractal Techgear allows him to remain on land and battle villains with his blasting hydro spear for extended periods of time. Includes Blasting Hydro Spear! 5" tall.
Aquaman (Total Justice, gold)
Born in the underwater world of Atlantis, Arthur Curry leads a dual life as Aquaman, protector of the world's oceans. He is able to "breathe" water, swim at speeds up to 100 miles per hour, and communicate with most sea life. Though his strength diminishes after prolonged exposure out of the water, Aquaman's Fractal Techgear allows him to remain on land and battle villains with his blasting hydro spear for extended periods of time. Includes Blasting Hydro Spear!
Batman (Total Justice)
Batman - and alter ego millionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne - relies on his superb athletic skills, excellent detective work and amazing crime-fighting devices to combat the forces of evil. Using his Fractal Techgear armor equipped with side rocket thrusters and rigid glider cape, the Dark Knight is able to soar through the night skies to take on evildoers. Includes Flight Armor and Glider Cape!
Black Lightning (Total Justice)
Acting as both everyday school-teacher Jefferson Pierce and super hero Black Lightning, this amazing crimefighter battles the evil organization known as The 100, as well as numerous street gangs. Overcoming his upbringing in Metropolis' notoriously dangerous streets, Black Lightning uses the incredibly lighning generated by his body to battle his foes. And as the stakes climb higher, he channels his energy into the enhanced action/reaction Fractal Techgear electrobolt strike cannon which intensifies his powers by megavolts! Includes electobolt strike cannon.
Darkseid (Total Justice)
Enormously powerful and evil beyond comparison, Darkseid rules the planet of Apokolips with an iron fist. Craving total intergalactic domination, he has set his sights on Earth, recruiting other cosmic villains in a plan to invade and destroy the planet. Though he usually lets his henchmen do his dirty work, Darkseid has the terrifying ability to project deady Omega Effect beams from his eyes and snatch up victims in his giant capture claw. Includes omega effect capture claw.
The sole survivor of a telepathic race on the planet Kalanor, Despero the Conqueror tyrannically rules his planet using his hypnotic third eye to put his enemies in a trance and destroy them. Hungry for a new challenge, Despero joins forces with Darkseid, using his galactic body blow attack against any super hero who stands in his way.
Fractal Armor Batman (Total Justice)
Refining and improving the Fractal Techgear he helped create, Batman has designed the most advanced crimefighting suit yet, with untested powers he must prove in the heat of action on the battlefield. The Dark Knight uses this extreme technology to jet after villains, then fires up his optical shoulder cannon system, locking onto evildoers with its computerized sighting device and immoblizing them with an uparalleled blast of power. Features Optical Shoulder Cannon System!
Green Arrow (Total Justice)
Expertly trained in archery and martial arts, young Connor Hawke now fights as the Green Arrow, taking the place of his father, Oliver Queen, who died in battle after a lifetime of crimefighting. Armed with his enhanced action/reaction Fractal Techgear mega longbow, the new Green Arrow slings fear into the hearts of criminals everywhere! Includes multi-action mega longbow.
Green Lantern (Total Justice)
When Kyle Raynor was given a mysterious green ring by a Guardian of the Universe, little did he realize the enormous power that had been entrusted to him. He became Green Lantern. With his Fractal Techgear in place, Green Lantern's strength and ability to create crimefighting tools increases tenfold.
Hawkman (Total Justice)
$9.99 $24.99
Born Katar Hol on the planet Thanagar, Hawkman escaped his oppressive native world and made his new home on Earth, where he vowed to fight against injustice. He is equipped with an anti-gravity belt and enormous wings that give him the power of flight and allow him to launch aerial attacks against villains, swooping down and snatching them up in massive grip talons.
Hal Jordan was once the greatest of the heroic Green Lanterns. His menacing alter-ego Parallax came into being when Jordan's home, Coast City, was mercilessly destroyed. Using powerful abilities to turn back time and destroy worlds, Parallax is driven by his desire to recreate Coast City, even though it means he must battle his former allies. Despite his twisted state of mine, his virtually limitless power and warp field energy blaster could prove to be formidable obstacles to the Total Justice team. Includes warp field evergy blaster!
Robin (Total Justice)
As the third person to don the guise of Robin, Tim Drake trained under the watchful eye of Bruce Wayne to become Batman's crimefighting partner. Using finely-honed martial arts and acrobatic skills, along with a razor-sharp intellect, Robin proves himself an even greater threat to villains with his Fractal Techgear spinning razor disc and battle staff!
Superman (Total Justice)
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet, More Powerful Than a Locomotive, Superman sees his super powers incredibly increased by his Fractal Techgear armor. The gear's advanced technology also offers the Man of Steel protection from the deadly element Kryptonite, as he uses its collector shields to harness the element's dangerous power and convert it to a positive energy source that can be channeled through the Kryptonite ray emitter for battle with even the most fearsome forces in the galaxy. Includes Kryptonite Ray Emitter!
The Flash (Total Justice)
The fastest man on Earth, Wally West became The Flash in a freak accident when splashed with volatile chemicals that had been struck by lightning. The super-human speed and endurance that resulted are enhanced by his Fractal Techgear velocity armor, enabling The Flash to race to the rescue faster than ever before, with virtually no depletion of energy or risk of injury. 5" tall Flash includes Velocity Power Suit!
The Huntress
Seeking to escape the legacy of crime into which she was born, Helena Bertinelli changed her life after her entire family was wiped out by a rival Gotham City mob. Now fighting for Total Justice as The Huntress, she uses her martial arts skills and enhanced action/reaction Fractal Techgear massive barbed arrow crossbow as she stalks the streets in her pursuit to protect citizens from criminals on the loose! Includes barbed arrow crossbow.