STAR WARS (The Clone Wars) action figures

Includes flight gear!

3.75" scale figure features removable helmet.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this figure comes with firing a lightsaber and a Rotta the Huttlet figure! Stage them for your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this figure comes with firing a lightsaber and a Rotta the Huttlet figure! Stage them for your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take her on! In mech mode, your Ahsoka Tano figure has the battle armor to fight any foe—plus lightsabers to take on any foe in hand-to-hand combat. When it’s time to chase down her fleeing opponents, convert her to Jedi Starfighter vehicle mode to “soar” in hot pursuit and launch the lightsabers as projectiles from the “skies”!
Figure comes with two launching projectile lightsaber accessories. 5" scale.

Features fighter that separates into 2 vehicles, launchers that fire projectiles and drone ship that also has firing projectile launcher!
Figures not included.

Includes Clone Trooper Sinker, Plo Koon, Rocket Battle Droid and Clone Trooper Boost. 3.75" scale.

R2-D2 (with ratcheting head)
Though foul weather and cold can sometimes endanger astromech droids, Artoo did not hesitate to rush to his mistress' side and warn her of an impending attack.
This uptight protocol droid, sworn to serve and protect Senator Amidala, provided a much needed distraction.
Padme Amidala
Quick-thinking and brave, Padme made a career out of snatching victory from the very jaws of defeat. On Ilum, her sharp eye and keen mind - along with a thermal detonator - saved her from an ambush by a squad of heavily armed chameleon droids.
Chameleon Droids
So named because of their ability to seamlessly blend in with their surroundings, these modified probe droids launched devastating sabotage and sneak-attack missions across the galaxy. They destroyed the crystal caves on Ilum, and nearly dispatched two Jedi Knights in the process.

Gha Nachkt: The Trandoshan trader secretly makes a deal with General Grievous to deliver R2-D2.
Anakin Skywalker: Anakin wears a rough poncho to hide his identity as a Jedi from the Trandoshan trader.
Ahsoka Tano: Because the Trandoshan distrusts the Jedi, Ahsoka wears a poncho to conceal her identity. IG-86 Assassin Droid: An assassin droid, activated by Anakin's new R2 unit—attacks Anakin and Ahsoka.
Head into battle, intergalactic style! Add these detailed action figures to your collection and recreate exciting battle scenes and your favorite Star Wars movie moments! Armed with weapons, these Jedi figures are ready for a fight, so pit them against the two enemy figures and decide who'll win. It's galactic fun that's limited only by your own imagination!
Includes 3.75" scale Gha Nachkt, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and IG-86 Assassin Droid with lightsaber and other weapon accessories. Ages 4 and up.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Anakin Skywalker action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his helmet, lightsaber and "missile"-firing backpack accessories so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" tall figure comes with helmet, lightsaber and "missile"-firing backpack accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

3.75" scale.

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take him on! In mech mode, your Anakin Skywalker figure has the battle armor to fight any foe. When it's time to chase down his fleeing opponents, convert him to Y-Wing Bomber vehicle mode to "soar" in hot pursuit and launch his projectile accessory from the "skies"!
Figure comes with projectile accessory.

Features pivoting cannons, firing torpedo launcher, positionable vectored thrusters, laser cannons and an opening canopy to fit a figure into.

Clone Troopers: The troopers use a modified version of the Turbo Tank's heavy laser cannon to bombard the droid with weapons fire before the final application of explosives.
Aerial Recon Trooper: Aerial recon troopers monitor the enemy forces from the air and relay the location of the hailfire droids to their squad members on the ground.
Clone Commander: The commander of Bantha Squad is an expert in heavy weapons and demolitions, making him uniquely qualified to formulate successful strategies against the droids.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown with your articulated Clone Commander and Clone Trooper figures as they aim their weapon accessories at the bad guys. Then, send Aerial Recon Trooper figure "soaring" in to perform reconnaissance and round up any remaining opponents. (Other figures sold separately). These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection.
Clone Troopers, Aerial Recon Trooper and Clone Commander figures come with weapon accessories and 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases and 1 game die. 3.75" scale.


Advanced Recon Commando (ARC) troopers are highly skilled clone troopers who take on some of the toughest challenges faced by the Republic army. As the most elite members of the clone army, ARC troopers are deployed on highly dangerous missions that require independent thinking. During one mission, ARC troopers team up with Captain Rex's battalion to attack an army of battle droids that have taken control of a strategic city.
ARC Trooper Commander: Like the men under his command, the ARC trooper commander faces even the most threatening situation with unfailing courage.
ARC Troopers: The Advanced Recon Commandos are given specialized training that encourages independent thinking and unconventional approaches to problems.
Captain Rex: Captain Rex is tough, disciplined and always focused on the mission as his top priority. He aims his sharpshooter blaster to clear a path through the droids.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown with your ARC Trooper Commander, two ARC Troopers and Captain Rex figures as they seek out their enemies and make them fight to save the "universe". These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection!
3.75" scale ARC Trooper Commander, 2 ARC Troopers and Captain Rex figures and accessories come with 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases and 1 game die.

Features opening wings, swing down handle to drop torpedoes, socket that fits droid figure (sold separately) and firing blaster cannons.

The excitement is sure to be out of this world with this detailed fighter vehicle! Open the vehicle's wings and get ready for takeoff! Fire cannons and drop torpedoes as you fight to save the galaxy! The opening cockpit fits two action figures (sold separately) while the socket can fit a droid figure (sold separately)! Gear up for hours of galactic fun with this super space speedster!
Includes unassembled vehicle body, 2 projectiles, 2 proton torpedoes, labels and instructions.

Cannon fires missile! 3.75" scale.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your ARF Trooper action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his "missile"-firing cannon accessory so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with "missile"-firing cannon accessory, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Each 3.75" scale figure has a unique battle game card.

Also includes battle mat and each figure has a unique battle card. 3.75" scale.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Asajj Ventress action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior her lightsaber accessories so that she's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. After she receives "guidance" from her Count Dooku hologram accessory, attach the hilts of her lightsaber accessories together to make her even more dangerous to her opponents. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
Figure comes with lightsaber and Count Dooku hologram accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die. 3.75" scale.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this comes with a Count Dooku hologram – their hilts connect together! Pose them in action as you stage out your own galactic battles.

Jedi generals and clone troopers battle the Separatists who have taken control of the planet Ryloth, homeworld of the Twi'leks. Mace Windu coordinates battle plans as he prepares to bring gunships onto the planet. Clone troopers Waxer and Boil, who are eager for combat, join Clone Commander Cody on a mission to free Twi'lek prisoners being used as shields to protect a deadly proton cannon.
Includes Boil, Mace Windu, Waxer and Clone Commander Cody. 3.75"" scale.

Includes 2.5" tall versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Waxer, Boil, Super Battle Droid, Clone Commander Cody, 2 Battle Droids and Commander TX-20. Packaging doubles as a playset.

Launch yourself into action with this awesome AT-AP vehicle! Its 360-degree rotating "cannon", articulated legs, swing-up center leg and swing-up hatch covers make every battle feel more like the "real thing". Meanwhile, the projectile accessory launcher and chin-mounted laser cannon accessory make this a lean, mean battling "machine"! Fit three figures (each sold separately) inside and blast off for adventure!
Vehicle comes with projectile accessory and instructions.

AT-RT Walker features rotating cannons and articulated legs.
3.75" tall ARF Trooper includes blaster.
Includes battle game card.

Includes Three 3.75" scale Clone Troopers, 1 AT-TE Gunner and several accessories.

An “intergalactic” battle is raging — and you and your Aurra Sing action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with her sniper rifle and other weapon accessories so that she’s ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the “universe” or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with sniper rifle and other weapon accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

3.75" scale Buzz comes with a blaster.
Includes battle game card.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome articulated Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure and his "fast-moving" BARC Speeder Bike vehicle! Set your figure on top of his vehicle and get the wheels rolling to help him speed into action. When the enemy is in sight, rotate the "cannon" in anticipation of a fight! Put another figure (sold separately) in the sidecar vehicle and detach it so they can fight the enemy on two fronts. Even when they're just standing at attention in your collection, this fearsome fighter and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
Vehicle comes with 3.75" scale figure, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Armored scout tanks features firing missile launchers.

Thi-Sen is the chieftain of the powerful Talz warriors who inhabit the planet of Orto Plutonia. Captain Rex: Ordered to protect the Pantoran chairman, the clone captain battles the Talz when they launch an attack.
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Obi-Wan struggles to find a peaceful solution that will satisfy both the Talz and the Pantorans.
Anakin Skywalker:
Anakin tries to keep the Pantorans safe as he and Obi-Wan are pushed reluctantly into a battle.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown by pitting your Captain Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker against your powerful Thi-Sen figure. Even though it's three against one, you've still got an even fight! These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection. Thi-Sen, Captain Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker figures come with weapons, 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases, 1 battle mat and 1 game die.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Boba Fett action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his rocket pack and removable armor so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the universe or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with rocket pack and removable armor, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Detailed electronic helmet lets you feel just like the Star Wars character. Straps allow you to adjust helmet's fit; fits most sizes ages 5 through adult.
Includes 3 AAA batteries.
Adult assembly required.

3.75" scale, includes Battle Game Cards and the complete episode of "Brain Invaders" on DVD.

Each 3.75" scale figure has a unique card and includes battle die.

3.75" scale, includes blasters!

3.75" scale figure includes Todo 360, battle game card, die & base.

Launch yourself into action with this awesome Cad Bane's Xanadu Blood vehicle! Its retractable landing gear, positionable thrusters, storage chamber and other intricate details make every battle feel more like the real thing. Meanwhile, the firing missiles make this a lean, mean battling machine! Fit a figure inside the opening cockpit (figure sold separately) and take control of this "intergalactic" vehicle to "blast off" for adventure!
Package converts to diorama.
Vehicle comes with projectiles and instructions.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Count Dooku figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his firing “missile” launcher accessory. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this menacing figure is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
Figure comes with helmet and firing “missile” launcher accessories.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Captain Rex action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his firing missile launcher accessory so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" tall figure comes with firing missile launcher and helmet accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

An “intergalactic” battle is raging — and you and your Captain Rex action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his removable heater pack and weapon accessories so that he’s ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the “universe” or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with removable heater pack and weapon accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the anime character. In full clone trooper armor and eyes that seem to be on the lookout, this figure comes with a small arsenal of weapons including a firing missile launcher. Aim the projectile at your target and stage your own galactic battles.
3.75" scale figure comes with lightsaber, missile launcher with projectile, assorted weapons and helmet.

Features firing missile launcher. 3.75" scale.

3.75" scale figure includes blaster, battle game card, die & base.

3.75" scale figure features firing blaster rifle.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this figure comes with a firing blaster rifle and has battle-worn deco! Pose him in defense or stage him in your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

Rev up the Star Wars action with this realistic figure, detailed to look like the CLONE COMMANDER Fox character in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series! Arm him with his blasters and firing missile launcher! Load the missile to fire. Stand him on his battle base in your collection.
3.75" tall figure comes with weapon accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and die.

Includes blasters and removable helmet. 3.75" tall.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Clone Commander Thire figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his firing missile launcher accessory. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this mighty figure is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
3.75" scale figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories.

8.5" long, includes launching projectiles.

Includes Clone Trooper with space gear, Captain Rex, Clone Pilot and ARF Trooper.
Each 3.75" scale figure has a unique card, accessories and a battle die.

3.75" scale figure includes firing Gatling gun, battle game card, die & base.

Includes a rocket-firing launcher.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Clone Tank Gunner figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his firing missile launcher accessory. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this mighty figure is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
3.75" scale figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the anime character. In full clone trooper armor, this figure comes with a blaster and rocket-firing launcher with projectile. Aim the projectile at your target and stage your own galactic battles.
3.75" scale figure comes with blaster, rocket launcher and projectile.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated forces. In full detail, this figure has orange-and-white armor and comes with a firing rocket launcher! Pose him in defense as you stage him in your own galactic battles.
No. 19 87939 Clone Trooper 212th Attack Battalion. 3.75" scale.

3.75" scale figure includes firing missile launcher.

3.75" scale figure and vehicle features fold-down landing gear.

Features backpack that fires missile! 3.75" scale.

3.75" scale, includes rocket launcher!

Cannon figures missile.
3.75" scale, includes battle game card, die & base.

3.75" scale figure includes firing blaster cannon.

This warrior figure is twice the trouble for the enemies that try to take him on! In mech mode, your Clone Trooper figure has the tough battle armor to fight any foe. When it's time to chase down his opponents, convert him to AT-TE vehicle mode to march out and fire the launching projectile accessory!
6" scale figure comes with a projectile accessory.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated forces. In full detail, this figure features two-toned armor and comes with a firing backpack launcher and removable gear! Pose him in defense as you stage him in your own galactic battles.
No. 21 87941 Clone Trooper with Space Gear. 3.75" scale.

Clone Troopers: Clone troopers apply all their military training, warrior skills and weaponry to battle the endless army of "clankers" during the Clone Wars.
Retail Droid: The technical name for retail droids is LF-57 combat droids. Used by the Separatists, they check for enemy activity - sounds, movement or anything that seems suspicious.
Super Battle Droid: These heavy infantry droids are powerfully built, heavily armed and very strong. Some versions are specially equipped with flight packs for aerial combat.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown between your articulated Clone Trooper figures and the Retail Droid as your heroes try to destroy the droid figure with their blaster accessories. Then, send your Super Battle Droid figure in to tip the scales and give the good guys an even tougher fight. These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection.
3.75" scale Clone Troopers figures with blaster accessories, Retail Droid figure and Super Battle Droid figure come with 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases and 1 game die.

Clone Wars Clone Turbo Tank includes exclusive Tank Gunner figure and launching speeder bike. Tank has electronic lights, sounds and Clone Trooper phrases.

Includes firing blaster rifle. 3.75" scale.

3.75" scale figure features firing missile launcher.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging -- and you and your Commander Gree action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his firing missile launcher accessory so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with a firing missile launcher accessory, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Features removable helmet. 3.75" scale.

Features firing droid blaster.

Blaster attaches to back! 3.75" scale.

Tough-looking and intimidating, this futuristic tank vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures! Fit a figure behind the opening gunner door (figure sold separately) to man this exciting tank. Then, roll out with the working tank treads. With its “missile”-firing cannon, your galactic adventures are sure to be out-of-this-world!
Vehicle comes with projectile accessories and instructions.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this figure comes with a hologram projector and an Asajj Ventress holograph! Stage them for your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome articulated Count Dooku figure and his fast-moving Speeder Bike vehicle! Place your figure on his vehicle and help him speed into action with his lightsaber accessory drawn. Even when they’re just standing at attention in your collection, this fearsome villain and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
Count Dooku figure comes with vehicle and weapon accessory.

Features firing missile launcher.

3.75" scale 3-Pack includes Darth Maul, Nightsister, Savage Opress and Galactic Battle Game pieces.

Comes with ARC COMMANDER Blitz, CLONE TROOPER Fives and CLONE TROOPER Echo action figures and accessories, 3 dueling cards, 3 battle bases and game die. 3.75" scale.

3.75" tall, includes battle game card, die & base.

Includes 3.75" scaled Spider Assassin Droid, 3 Assassin Droid Spawn, Clone Trooper Mixer and Clone Trooper Redeye.
Also includes battle game cards.
3.75" tall.

3.75" scale figure comes with a lightsaber and a Galactic Battle Game card.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Embo action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his bow-caster so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the universe or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with a bow-caster, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

"Flame" attaches to a figure. Includes battle game card, die & base. 3.75" scale

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome articulated Obi-Wan Kenobi figure and his fast moving Freeco Speeder vehicle! Open the canopy to place your figure behind the wheel of his vehicle and help him speed into action. When he reaches his destination, put down the retractable landing gear and hand your figure his lightsaber accessory so he's ready to face his foes. Even when they're just standing at attention in your collection, this mighty hero and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out of this world adventures!
Freeco Speeder vehicle comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi figure and lightsaber accessory.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your General Grievous action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his lightsaber and interchangeable battle-damage parts accessories so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with lightsaber and interchangeable battle-damage parts accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Includes 3 AAA batteries.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the anime character. In full droid form, this figure comes with interchangeable arms and four lightsaber accessories. Pose him with all four lightsabers and stage your own galactic battles.
Figure comes with interchangeable arms and four lightsaber accessories.

Sleek and stylish, this futuristic-looking spacecraft vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures. Aim the firing projectile launchers at your targets and blast away. Rotate the vector fin on speedy getaways. And, open the canopy to pose a figure (figure not included) at the controls. The retractable landing gear helps end your mission on a high note – for play or for display!
Includes vehicle, missiles, labels and instructions.

Seal your oath to the Dark Side with this holographic General Grievous action figure. Based on the character in the animated series, this figure comes wielding multiple lightsabers and ready for all of your action poses.
Action figure comes with weapons.

Each figure has a unique card and includes battle die.
Also includes Bounty Hunters DVD.

Launch yourself into action with this awesome Hyena Bomber vehicle! Featuring both flight attack and ground combat battle modes, its pop-up, swiveling droid head and other intricate details make every battle feel more like the "real thing". Meanwhile, the firing projectile accessory and "bomb"-dropping action make this a lean, mean battling "machine"! Take control of this "intergalactic" vehicle and blast off for adventure!
Vehicle comes with projectile and bomb accessories and instructions.

Features a highly detailed cockpit in which a figure sits in (figure sold separately), firing missile, bombs that drop from bay and a removable "ejection" seat.

General Grievous:
Grievous has been trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku, and will be a difficult foe for Kenobi to vanquish in a lightsaber duel.
Airborne Trooper:
Specially trained clone paratroopers from 2nd Airborne Company drop from great altitudes to descend upon the droid armies on the planet below.
Clone Commander Cody:
The clone commander leads Republic forces into battle on Utapau in a strategic attack to stop Grievous and the droid army.
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Obi-Wan battles Grievous, hoping to strike a severe blow to the Separatists if he can eliminate the droid army's leader.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown by pitting your Airborne Trooper, Clone Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi figures against your powerful General Grievous figure. Even though it's three against one, you've still got an even fight! These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection.
General Grievous, Airborne Trooper, Clone Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi figures come with weapons, 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases, 1 battle mat and 1 game die. 3.75" scale.

Includes removable Jedi robe.

Blast off on your own out-of-this world adventures with this cool vehicle. Pop open the cockpit and place the Obi-Wan Kenobi figure at the controls! When he’s on the ground, the R4-P17 figure can be his sidekick! Drop the Proton Bomb on those who seek to destroy the power of this pint-sized Jedi!
Jedi Starfighter vehicle comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi and R4-P17 figures and Proton Bomb accessory.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging -- and you and your ARF Trooper action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his "missile"-firing cannon accessory so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with cannon and missile accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

3.75" scale figure includes lightsaber, battle game card, die & base.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging -- and you and your Kit Fisto action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his lightsaber accessories so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with lightsaber accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

3.75" tall figure includes cold weather gear, battle game card, die & base.

Figure fits in cockpit and droid fits in socket (both sold separately). Launchers fire projectiles. Fighter separates into 2 vehicles. Drone ship fires missile. Package also converts into diorama.

Features opening canopy, firing blaster cannons and stabilizers that open and retract. Includes vehicle, labels and instructions. Figure is not included.

6" tall, includes battle game card.

Includes lightsaber.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Mace Windu figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his snap-on battle armor accessories and swinging lightsaber accessory action. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this mighty hero is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
3.75" scale figure comes with lightsaber and snap-on battle gear accessories.

Includes 2-piece Jango Fett helmet with hidden "explosives"! Also includes battle game card, die & base.

3.75" tall, with Jango Fett helmet with "explosives".
3.75" tall.

Features removable energy bolts! 3.75" scale.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated droids. In full detail, this figure comes with a firing launcher! Aim the projectile at your target and stage your own galactic battles.

Sleek and stylish, this futuristic-looking spacecraft vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures! Aim the "missiles" at your targets and fire! Position the thrusters and retract the landing gear for takeoff into another galaxy! Open the cockpit to pose a figure (figure not included) inside and let your imagination soar!
Vehicle comes with projectile accessories and instructions.

Converts from Starfighter mode to mech mode and includes 2 launching projectiles.

An “intergalactic” battle is raging — and you and your Mandalorian Police Officer action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories so that he’s ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the “universe” or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" tall figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Mandalorian Warrior action figure and his "fast-moving" Mandalorian Speeder vehicle! Set your figure on top of his vehicle and fold up the landing skid accessory to he's ready to speed into action. When the enemy is in sight, fold down the "cannon" to let the enemy know you mean business. As you get your vehicle close, extend the binder accessories to take your enemy hostage. (Additional figures sold separately). Even when they're just standing at attention in your collection, this fearsome fighter and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
Vehicle comes with 3.75" scale figure.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Mandalorian Warrior action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his firing backpack launcher so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the universe or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with a firing backpack launcher, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Mandalorians who belong to the Death Watch work in secret to return Mandalore to its past as the greatest warrior society in the galaxy.
Bring the battles "to life" with this awesome action figure four-pack! Start the showdown with these four Mandalorian Warrior action figures and use their rocket pack accessory to fire a "missile" at their enemies These four make for exciting characters even when they're just standing at attention in your collection!
Four 3.75" tall figures and accessories come with 4 Galactic Battle Game cards, 4 battle bases and 1 game die.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Matchstick figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his firing missile launcher accessory. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this mighty figure is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
3.75" scale figure comes with firing missile launcher, helmet and other weapon accessories.

Includes battle game card, die & base.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his firing backpack, helmet and lightsaber accessories so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" tall figure comes with firing backpack, helmet and lightsaber accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

3.75" tall.

Get twice the out-of-this-world excitement with this fun two-mode figure! Convert from Obi-Wan Kenobi figure mech mode to Jedi Starfighter vehicle mode and fire his two launching projectile lightsaber accessories. No matter which mode you choose, you'll be ready to bring the galactic battle to a living room near you!

Sleek and stylish, this futuristic-looking Starfighter vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures. Separate the Starfighter into two separate vehicles! Fit a figure (sold separately) into the cockpit! Or slide a droid figure (sold separately) into the droid socket! Fire projectiles from the launchers or a missile from the drone ship! Whether for play or for display, this is one awesome vehicle to help round out your collection!

Features opening top hatch, firing missiles and articulated legs.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this figure comes with a royal cape, a removable hood and weapon accessories! Pose her for crossfire as you stage your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome articulated Cad Bane action figure and his fast moving Pirate Speeder Bike vehicle! Place your figure on his vehicle and help him speed into action. Push the bars and you'll reveal this vehicle's hidden blaster accessories. Even when they're just standing at attention in your collection, this fearsome fighter and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out of this world adventures!
Vehicle and 3.75" scale figure come with Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Step into The Clone Wars animated world with this articulated action figure based on the animated character. In full detail, this comes with a snap-on lightsaber gauntlet! Pose him in defense as you stage him in your own galactic battles. 3.75" scale.

An “intergalactic” battle is raging — and you and your Pre Vizsla action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his cape, helmet, dark saber and other weapon accessories so that he’s ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the “universe” or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with cape, helmet, darksaber and other weapon accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your R4-P17 action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his hidden gadgets so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
Figure comes with hidden gadgets, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Features hidden gadgets.
Includes battle game card, die & base. 3.75" scale.

Features adjustable chin guns, missile-firing launchers and an opening cockpit that fits figure.
Includes 3.75" Clone Pilot, galactic battle game card, die & base.

Sleek and stylish, this futuristic spacecraft vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures! Send this vehicle rolling down a “runway” for takeoff into another galaxy with its real rolling wheels. Turn the rotating turret to get enemies in sight, aim the “missiles” at your targets and fire! Open the top hatch and doors to pose a figure (figure not included) inside and let your imagination soar!
Vehicle comes with projectile accessories and instructions.

Features firing missile launchers, opening canopy with room for 2 pilots (figures sold separately) and flip-open launchers fire missiles. Package converts to diorama.

Features opening canopy with room for 2 pilots, rappelling line, drop attack and firing missile launchers.

Launch yourself into action with this awesome Republic Swamp Speeder vehicle! Its rolling wheels and intricate details make every battle feel more like the "real thing". Meanwhile, the firing cannon accessories make this a lean, mean battling "machine"! Fit two figures (each sold separately) behind the "controls" and blast off for adventure!
Vehicle comes with missile accessories.

Includes Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Cutup and Bomb Squad Trooper.
3.75" scale.

Features firing boarding claw.

3.75" scale figure includes battle game card, die & base.

Each 3.75"s scale figure has a unique card and includes battle die.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Shaak Ti action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior with his lightsaber so that she's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the universe or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with a lightsaber, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Includes Y-wing bomber, 2.5" scale versions of Matchstick, R7-Z9 and 2 proton bombs. Package doubles as a playset.

Each 3.75" scale figure has a unique battle game card.

Includes two 3.75" scale Clone Troopers, 2 Speeder Bikes and several accessories.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome articulated Plo Koon action figure and his fast moving Speeder Bike vehicle! Place your figure on his vehicle, retract the landing gear, rotate the "exhaust" flaps and help him speed into action with his lightsaber accessory drawn. The vehicle's firing missile launcher accessory will show his enemies exactly how serious this battle will be. Even when they're just standing at attention in your collection, this fearsome fighter and his vehicle are sure to inspire all kinds of out of this world adventures!
Vehicle and 3.75" scale figure come with firing missile launcher accessory, lightsaber accessory, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Features firing missile launchers and includes display stand. Package converts to diorama!

Includes 3.75" tall versions of Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku, Captain Rex, Super Battle Droid and Battle Droid.
Each figure has their own accessory and includes a unique battle card.

3.75" tall figure includes blaster.

Includes 2 firing projectiles, battle game card, die & base. 3.75" scale.

An "intergalactic" battle is raging - and you and your Super Battle Droid action figure are about to enter the fray! Arm your warrior's firing missile launcher accessories so that he's ready to charge into combat against his fiercest enemies. Whether fighting for the fate of the "universe" or standing at attention in your collection, this awesome action figure puts all of the excitement of the Star Wars saga right in the palm of your hand!
3.75" scale figure comes with firing missile launcher accessories, one Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

Includes (2) Clone Troopers, (2) Battle Droids, Super Battle Droid, Anakin Skywalker, AAT (Armored Assault Tank) and AT-AP.

Each figure has a unique card and includes battle die.
Also includes Bounty Hunters DVD. 3.75" scale.

Includes Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter that separates into 2 vehicles. Scout fighter has firing projectile launcher. Figure fits inside opening cockpit and droid fits in droid socket.
Boba Fett's Slave I features a cockpit that opens and figures that fit inside. Side opens to access interior. Detention cell holds figures. Features firing cannons that turn 360 degrees, pivoting cockpit and wings, and bomb-dropping action. Measures over 18" long!
Includes 3.75" scale R8-B7, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Boba Fett and Bossk figures. Each figure has a unique card.

Includes removable battle club.

This awesome attack vehicle is geared up for action! Featuring firing cannons, an opening top hatch, a damaged battle droid and a rotating turret, this is one awesome vehicle to add to your collection!
Unassembled vehicle comes with projectiles and instructions.

Sleek and stylish, this futuristic-looking spacecraft vehicle is loaded with details to help whisk you away on all of your own imaginative Star Wars adventures! Aim the missiles at your targets and fire! Convert the vehicle from ground attack mode to flight attack mode and let your imagination soar!
Vehicle comes with projectile accessories and instructions.

Features firing missile launcher!

Features firing proton torpedo launchers, removable engines, proton bombs, hidden launchers that fire long range missiles and an opening canopy that fits figures. Also features fold down landing gear, opening turret that fits figure and droid socket.
Figures sold separately.

Features rotating engines, dropping bombs, opening cockpit and a droid socket (droid sold separately).
Includes 3.75" scale Clone Trooper Pilot, battle game card & die.


Features firing force-blast.

Get ready for battles of epic proportions with this awesome Ziro’s Assassin Droid figure! Help him charge into action and fight for the fate of the galaxy with his weapon accessory. Even when he’s just standing at attention in your collection, this menacing figure is sure to inspire all kinds of out-of-this world adventures!
3.75" scale figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories.