PIRATEOLOGY action figures

Arabella Drummond mini figure
The especially verminous female pirate Arabella Drummond was the nemesis of the valiant Captain William Lubber, author of a book entitled Pirateology, which detailed his pursuit of Drummond around the globe in an attempt to bring her to justice. She commanded a cut throat crew aboard her ship, the Bold Adventure, plundering the waters of the Caribbean and the east coast of North America, leaving terror in her wake. She disappeared mysteriously in 1726, before she could be apprehended. 3" tall.

Barbary Galley mini ship
With up to 60 oars rowed by slaves, a Barbary galley does not need wind in order to pursue the Barbary pirate's victims. However, this type of ship is mainly confined to the Mediterranean as it is not really suitable for the rougher waters of the Atlantic or Pacific. A galley of this kind often carries over 100 or more pirates, ready to overpower the crews of enemy ships.
Measures approximately 3.5" long.

Blackbeard mini figure
$9.99 $24.99
Born in Bristol as Edward Teach, Blackbeard terrorised the Caribbean in his ship the Queen Anne's Revenge. He believed that the best way to control his crew was to make sure they were always drunk. On one occasion he shot one of his men, saying that if he did not kill a man every now and then, his crew would forget who he was. He struck terror into the hearts of his victims by weaving smoking fuses into his beard, so that he appeared a veritable devil from hell.
Measures approximately 3" tall.

Captain Kidd mini figure
William Kidd was born in Scotland but settled in New York, becoming a privateer (a sailor licensed by the government to attack enemy ships). He took his ship the Adventure Galley on a pirate-hunting mission to the Indian Ocean. However, arriving off the Malabar coast, he captured a merchant ship. Because of this and various other deeds, he was branded a pirate and, when he returned to New York, was promptly arrested and sent to London, where he was tried and hanged.
Measures approximately 3" tall.

Chang Pao mini figure
$9.99 $24.99
Chang Pao was one of the most famous Chinese pirates of the nineteenth century. Born a fisherman's son, he was kidnapped by the pirate Cheng I when he was only 15 years old. When Cheng I died, Chang Pao took over the family business alongside his ruthless, formidable wife, Ching Shih. Many say that they were so successful that they had 40,000 followers and a fleet of 600 ships.
Measures approximately 3" tall.

Kheir-ed-Din mini figure
One of the most feared of all the Barbary pirates was Kheir-ed-Din, of the notorious Barbarossa brothers. After his brother Aruj lost his arm in an attack on a Spanish fort, the brothers began to concentrate their attacks more and more against the Spaniards, and especially against their settlements in North Africa. In 1530 Kheir-ed-Din became the Sultan of Algiers. When he died he was regarded with admiration by both his friends and his sworn enemies.
Measures approximately 3" tall.