Wedge Antilles' X-wing Starfighter

The X-wing fighter has become the symbol of the Rebellion. Swift, reliable and highly responsive in battle, this rugged craft is capable of absorbing plenty of damage in combat. X-wings have flown in all the major battles against the Empire and are the preferred fighters of Rebel pilots. In the bustling Alliance hangars, X-wings are prepared for another battle with Imperial fighters, as pilots and technicians check engines, instruments and weapons. One Alliance pilot, Wedge Antilles, flew an X-wing in the Battle of Yavin as Red Two and as Red Leader in the Battle of Endor.
Includes Wedge Antilles and astromech droid figures. Wedge fits in cockpit! Astromech port fits droid! S-foils move into attack position! Optional Rogue Squadron markings included. Also features retractable landing gear!
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