Sasquatch (Marvel Legends, variant)

Walter Langowski had it all. Professional football player. A Ph.D. in physics. Millionaire status. He also had something else: thick orange fur, an ape-like physique, and clawed hands and feet. Walter designed and constructed a device to generate gamma radiation bombardments similar to those which had created the Hulk. He used this equipment on himself and was transformed ino a ten-foot tall, superhumanly powerful creature. Walter called his bestial form "Sasquatch," the Canadian name for the legendary "Bigfoot" creature that he resembled. Once he learned how to maintain his normal personality and intelligence as Sasquatch he joined Alpha Flight. Walter Langowski continues to be his own successful experiment, a man changed into a superhuman Sasquatch with powers that can benefit all of mutantkind. Features 42 points of articulation and includes a 32 page comic book and the "right arm" of Apocalypse.
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