Clone Trooper (Unleashed)

Identical soldiers produced in a world of clinical efficiency, Clone Troopers are created for only one purpose - battle. Every fiber of their being, every thought in their minds, every muscle in their bodies is infused with the capability and desire to be warriors. Through genetic engineering and military training, Clone Troopers are molded to be the ideal soldiers. And, indeed, the source of their genetic material comes from an extremely skilled fighter, the legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett. The clones experience accelerated growth and relentless training to shape them into superior soldiers totally subservient to authority. Devoid of individuality, identity and independence, Clone Troopers fight with complete and unquestioning dedication. They pour onto the battlefield, relentless warriors who do not falter but instead keep marching forward, without pause or pity for their fallen comrades. In a desperate hour, the Clone Troopers are called to perform the job for which they have been created, when war erupts in the galaxy.
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