Goblin King & Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)

The Goblin King is a giant, vain, grotesque creature, grown fat and flabby through years of tyrannical rule over the wretched inhabitants of Goblin Town - a ramshackle collection of slums located deep in the caverns of the Misty Mountains. He lords over a horde of twisted and diseased Goblins covered in scars and sores. Scavengers at heart, living off whatever travelers they can waylay in the high passes of the mountains, the Goblin King and his minions manage to capture Bilbo and the Dwarves. More cunning and knowing than his appearance would suggest, the Great Goblin delights in tormenting his captives and very nearly manages to bring the Company of Thorin Oakenshield to a nasty end. Figure is 7" tall.