Evil-Lyn (Classics, re-release)

This figure is a re-issue, which means it was previously released. All re-issued figures receive a graphic burst on the package stating "The Original" to indicate it is a re-released product but the figure is identical to the first run. Mattel holds back a small amount of product from each sale for customer service needs. When a product is re-issued, the held back stock is sold. A small percentage of customers will receive product from the first run and the package will not contain the burst. This is random and we cannot control which package will be received.
Evil-Lyn Bio
Real Name: Evelyn Morgan Powers
Raised alone by her father in the ruins of Zalesia, Evelyn left her home in a fit of teenage rebellion. Taking the name Evil-Lyn, she traveled Eternia, learning from many of its great masters the ways of magic and the dark arts. While searching for new ways to increase her power, she met and fell in love with an ambitious alchemist named Keldor and agreed to join his cause. After Keldor was transformed into Skeletor, he lost all emotional attachments to Evelyn and she began to scheme against him. In a series of miscalculations, she helped release both King Hssss and Hordak from their interdimensional prisons. Evil-Lyn uses her crystal ball to foresee the evil future!
6" tall.