Count Dooku (Unleashed 2)

Count Dooku (Unleashed 2)

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Count Dooku is a former Jedi who abandoned order a decade ago. An uncompromising idealist, he grew disillusioned with the Jedi when they began serving the politicians in the Republic. Every fiber of his being demands purity of belief, and he found such unswerving commitment in a strange and frightening place: in the evil order of the Sith. For ten long years, Count Dooku lived in hiding, honing his Jedi skills and crafting his vision of the galaxy's future. He has emerged from his self-imposed exile to turn his vision into reality. His commanding figure scintillates with power and inspiration, enthralling all those who find themselves in the Dark Lord's presence. Every move he makes is executed with grace and refinement, revealing the existence of the once-great Jedi who has now been absorbed into the dark side. He fights with consummate skill in the old-world style of a vanished era, evoking the glory of the past while casting an ominous cloud over the future. 7" scale.
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