Capture of Tantive IV Battle Packs

Darth Vader
The sinister Dark Lord of the Sith was the fearsome face of the Empire's effort to destroy the Rebel Alliance. He would stop at nothing to recover the stolen Death Star plans, including inflicting the cruel depredations of the IT-O interrogation droid on his prisoners.
Unfailingly loyal to the Emperor, and without concern for their own life or safety, stormtroopers went about the messy business of capturing enemy ships with grim dedication. They flooded through narrow corridors filled with enemy fire, overwhelming defenders their sheer numbers.
Rebel Troopers
Though inexperienced in combat against trained and determined fighters like the Imperial stormtroopers that swarmed onto their ship, these troopers were utterly loyal to Princess Leia and the Rebel Alliance. They fought to the last man in defense of their ship. 3.75" tall.