Battleground Evil-Lyn (Classics)

Battleground Evil-Lyn Bio
Real Name: Evelyn Morgan Powers
Cast aside by her secret husband after his transformation, Evil-Lyn sent their infant son into the future and plotted to overthrow Skeletor by releasing his enemies from their dimensional prisons. In a series of miscalculations, she helped free the Snake Men, Hordak and Gygor — increasing her adversaries threefold! After Randor and Miro returned from Despondos, the Three Towers rose and Evil-Lyn found herself again allied with Skeletor during the Second Ultimate Battleground. At the end, defeated and stripped of her powers by the new Sorceress of Grayskull, Evil-Lyn used the Cosmic Key and the Power of Central Tower to return to the future to find a new life with her long lost child — The Son of Skeletor!
6" scale.