Action Figures
Green Leader's A-wing Fighter - Reviews

Green Leader's A-wing Fighter

average rating 80%
A-Wing with Grean Leader 04/21/2015
By Trond V
This A-Wing is realy nice, the paint jobb is god and it have some greate details in the cockpit. The Grean leader Arvel Crynyd is also a nice figure in this package.
greenleaderszwingfighter-t.jpg Green Leader's A-wing Fighter : 653569355021 Price: $199.99
In a desperate sacrifice during the Battle of Endor, Arvel Crynyd smashes his A-wing into the bridge of the Executor, causing the warship to crash into the second Death Star - and turning the battle in favor of the Rebels.

A-wing features pivoting "laser" cannons, retractable landing gear and opening canopy. Includes and exclusive 3.75" scale Arvel Crynyd pilot figure.